sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ... sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...


c*82-L7Councll Minutes-16* r9B2 10 14.1 6BY-LAWS ( Contd .CouncillorCouncil lorSmockumRogersTHAI] By-Law No. 82-L25(LA-f) beinga By-Law Eo authorize the Mayor andClerk to execLlte an Agreement ofPurchase and Sale befween ,Iohn J.Whlte and the Township of Georgina,be now read a flrsr, $econd andthircl tlmes, passed and nurnbered bythe Mayor and Clerk.CarriedBY*LAW N0. 82-125(LA*l)Passed, signed and sealed by theMayor and Clerk.CouncillorCouncillorSmockumRogersTHAT By*Law No. 82-f26(CON-L) beinga By*Law to authorize the Mayor:and the C1erk fo execute a Contractbetween Warren Bitulithic Limitedand the Township of Georgina, be nowread a first, second and third times,passed and numbered by the Mayor andClerk.Carried.I8.BY-LAW NO. 8?-126(CON-I )OTHER MOTIONS :Passed, signed and seal"ed by theMayor and Clerk.CouncillorCouncllorRogersSmockumTHAT the Mayor proclaim the tleek0ctober ITth to 23rd 1982. asITBLOCK PARI:NT WEI.:K" in theTownship of Georgina.OICarried.Reg;gotttt*tl1"or McleanCouncillor LyonsTHAT rhe Council continue past thre hour of lt p.m,to compLete business.Carried ........following' the agreement of members of Council theMotion was introduced.r"1

!,1 7c-82-r7Councll MlnuEes-17- 19821014.Moved by CouncillorSmockumSeconded by Councillor Lyons .THAT the Township of Georglna offictally recognizeHalloween nipiht as Saturday October 3OCh in viewof the time change thac would be in effect on theSunday, 3Ist October, 1982.Defeated.9.BY-LAW TO CONFIRM PROCEEDINGS :Councillor BurrowsReg-CouncllIor McLeanTHAT By-Law No. 8?-L27 ( COU-2 )being a By-Law Eo Confl,rm theproceedlngs of Counctl at itsneeting held on l4rh day ofOcEober! 1982, be now read afirst , second and third times.passed ancl nunrbered by the Mayorand Clerk.--.IBY-LAW NO. 82-127(COU-z)CarriedPassed, signEd and sealed by theMayor and Clerk.On Motlon Me.etlngadjourned at11.06 p.m.ilooo*l il d- t{tz -// w-

c*<strong>82</strong>-L7Councll Minutes-16* r9B2 10 14.1 6BY-LAWS ( Contd .CouncillorCouncil lorSmockumRogersTHAI] By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-L25(LA-f) beinga By-Law Eo authorize the Mayor andClerk to execL<strong>lt</strong>e an Agreement ofPurchase and Sale befween ,Iohn J.Wh<strong>lt</strong>e and the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>,be now read a flrsr, $econd andthircl tlmes, passed and nurnbered bythe Mayor and Clerk.CarriedBY*LAW N0. <strong>82</strong>-125(LA*l)Passed, signed and sealed by theMayor and Clerk.CouncillorCouncillorSmockumRogersTHAT By*Law No. <strong>82</strong>-f26(CON-L) beinga By*Law to authorize the Mayor:and the C1erk fo execute a Contractbetween Warren Bitulithic Limitedand the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>, be nowread a first, second and third times,passed and numbered by the Mayor andClerk.Carried.I8.BY-LAW NO. 8?-126(CON-I )OTHER MOTIONS :Passed, signed and seal"ed by theMayor and Clerk.CouncillorCouncllorRogersSmockumTHAT the Mayor proclaim the tleek0ctober ITth to 23rd 19<strong>82</strong>. asITBLOCK PARI:NT WEI.:K" in theTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong>.OICarried.Reg;gotttt*tl1"or McleanCouncillor LyonsTHAT rhe Council continue past thre hour of <strong>lt</strong> p.m,to compLete business.Carried ........following' the agreement of members of Council theMotion was introduced.r"1

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