sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ... sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...


c-82-r7| 4CouncilMinutes-Llt-1982 10 14.f7 .BY-I,AWS(Contd..)CounclllorCounclllorSmockumRogersTHAT By-Law No. 82-Il-8(CON*I) beinga l3y*I"aw to authorize the Mayor andClerk to execute an IndemnificationAgreement beErdeen Andrea Goldbergand the Township of Geor:glna, be nowread a flrst, second and thir:d tinres,passed and numbered by the Mayor andClerk.Carried.BY-LAW NO. 82-118(CON-I)Passed, signed and sealed by theMavor and CLerk,Councill.orCouncillor$mockumRogersTHAT By-Law No. 82-119(SA*1) beinga By-Law imposing special annualf,ates upon lan

c-82'-L7Courrcil Minutes-15.. 1982 10 14.I 57 , BY-LAWS ( Contd . . . )CounclllorCouncillorSmockumRogersTHAT By-Law No. 82*121(PL-l) beirrga By-law to amend By-Law No. 903,as amendecl, whlch deems cerlainRegisEercd Pl-ans of orparts thereof not to be RegisteredPlarrs of Subdivisi.on for the purpo:ieof Section 29 of Ttre'e,ct,R.S.O. l9BO, be now read a first,second and fhird Eimes, passed andnumbered by the Mayor and Clerk.Carried.BY-LAI,J NO. 82-121(PL-l)Passed, signed and sealed by theMayor and Clerk.CouneilLorCouncill-orSmockumRogersTHAT By-Law No. 82-122 ( C0N-1. ) beinga By-Law to authorize the Mayor andClerk to execute a Holding, TankAgreernent beEween the RegionalMunlcipality of York and rheTownshlp of Georgina, be now reada flrst, second and thirtl times,passed and numbered by Ehe Mayorand the Clerk.Carried.BY-LAW NO. 82-122(CON-1)Passed, signed and sealed by theMayor and Clerk.CouncillorCouncillorSmockumRogersTHAT.By-Law No. 82-123(PWO-2) bei.nga By-Law to dedicate cer:tain lancl isbeing a PubIic Highway and formingpart of Stoney Batter Road, be nowread a first, second and Ehir:d times,Pa$sed and numbered by the Mayor andC1erk.CarrledBY-LAt^l No . 82-1 23 ( Pt^]O-z )Passed, signed and seai.ed by theMayor and Clerk.CouncillorCouncillorSmockumRogersTHAT By*Lavz No. 82-L?-4(LA-1) beinga By-Law Eo authorlze the Mayor andClerk to execllfe arr Agreement ofPurchase and Sale beEweerr Milfordand Anne Ley and the Tor+nship ofGeorgina, be now r:ead a fir:sr, secondand third times, passed and rrumberedby the Mayor and Clerk.Carried.tBY-LAW N0. 82-124(LA-r)Passed, sig,ned and seal,ed by theMayor and Clerk .16..

c-<strong>82</strong>-r7| 4CouncilMinutes-L<strong>lt</strong>-19<strong>82</strong> 10 14.f7 .BY-I,AWS(Contd..)CounclllorCounclllorSmockumRogersTHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-Il-8(CON*I) beinga l3y*I"aw to authorize the Mayor andClerk to execute an IndemnificationAgreement beErdeen Andrea Goldbergand the Township of Geor:glna, be nowread a flrst, second and thir:d tinres,passed and numbered by the Mayor andClerk.Carried.BY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-1<strong>18</strong>(CON-I)Passed, signed and sealed by theMavor and CLerk,Councill.orCouncillor$mockumRogersTHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-119(SA*1) beinga By-Law imposing special annualf,ates upon lan

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