sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ... sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...


| 2c-82*L7Councll Minutes -12- 198? 10 14 ,6 . COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS ( Contd. . . )REPORTS OF THE ROADS & TRAFFIC SUPERINTFINDENT (Contcl. .)2, 7th Concesslon (t{G) Roacl Widenings.Reporr No. RTS-82-14.Moved by CouncillorSeconded byCouncillorSmockumRogers1.THAT a By-Law be passed to authorlze the Mayorand the Clerk to execute an AgreemenE of Prrr:chaseand Sale beEweerr Mtlford and Anne Ley and LheTownship, respecting a lO-foot road wideningin Lot 4, Concession 6 (NG).2. THAT a By-Iaw be passed to authorlze the Mayorand the Clerk to execute an Agreement of Purchaseand Sale between John J. White and theTownship, respecting a l0*foot road widpnina inLot 4, Concession 6 (NG).Carried.IRegional Counclllor Mclean declared a possible Conflictof lnterest wtth reg;ard to the above lEem, and did not cakepart ln any dlscussion and did not vote,c) FIRE CALLS RIISPONDED TO FOR THE MONTH OFSEPTEMBER, 1982.This was received 'for informatlon.d) BUILDING DRFARTMENT MONTHLY REPORT FORSEPTEMBER , L982.This was received for informatlon.e) REPORT oF THE DIRECTOR 0F RECREATION AND PARKS:1. Baseball Diamond Facility - Civic CenEreReport No. 82-13Moved by CouncillorLyonsSeconded byCouncii.lor Wlnch .TIIAT the recommendation as follows. be notaccepEed.I'THAT [he Council of Lhe Corporation of the Townshipof Georgina approve Ehe accepgance of Tender Cor'rtractNo. P82-09-O1 for fhe construction of a softballDiamond and associated works at the Civic Park, Keswick,Onfari,o, by V. PriesLIy ConEracting Limited, in theamount of $35,140.O0.Carried13. . . .

c-82-r7r 3Councll tllnutes-1.3- 1982 10 14.t'6.COMMITTEEANDOTHERREPORTS(Conrd...)f) REPORT OF THE CI{IIIF ADMINTSTRATION OFFICER:BasebalI Diamond Tenders - Claredon BeachParkPurchase."ReporE No. CAo-82-12 .Moved by CounclllorSmockurnSeconded by Councillor Shepherd .1. THAT the recommendati"on regardingtenclers received forthe Basebalt Diamond at the Civtc Centre ls notaccepted.2.3.THAT $31-'OOO. be Eransferred Eo the operaEingcontingency.THAT $lOrOOO be placed in a reserve fund to providefor a'cquisition of equipment, and labourcosts to improve the existing diamonds at the CivicCentre.4. THAT addirlonal monies received fromlot levies,57" caeh in lieu of land or land sale revenues beallocated as follows :Firstly - $13,OOO. to operating conting,ency;Secondly - remalning, monies to Ehe reserve fundfor future considerations re]"ated tof,ecrearional facilities.CarrledFY-LAWS:CouncillorCouncillotSmockumRogersTHAT lly-Law No. B?-LL7(CON-I) beinga By*Law Eo authorize the Mayor andthe Cler:k fo execute a Contractberweerr Roger LaRue linterprisesLimited'Iownshipand thefo Georgina,be now read a first , second andthird tirnes passed and numbered bythe Mayor: and Clerk .CarriedBY-LAW NO. 82-117(CON-I)Passed, signed and sealed by theMavor and CI.erk.L4,

c-<strong>82</strong>-r7r 3Councll tllnutes-1.3- 19<strong>82</strong> 10 14.t'6.COMMITTEEANDOTHERREPORTS(Conrd...)f) REPORT OF THE CI{IIIF ADMINTSTRATION OFFICER:BasebalI Diamond Tenders - Claredon BeachParkPurchase."ReporE No. CAo-<strong>82</strong>-12 .Moved by CounclllorSmockurnSeconded by Councillor Shepherd .1. THAT the recommendati"on regardingtenclers received forthe Baseba<strong>lt</strong> Diamond at the Civtc Centre ls notaccepted.2.3.THAT $31-'OOO. be Eransferred Eo the operaEingcontingency.THAT $lOrOOO be placed in a reserve fund to providefor a'cquisition of equipment, and labourcosts to improve the existing diamonds at the CivicCentre.4. THAT addirlonal monies received fromlot levies,57" caeh in lieu of land or land sale revenues beallocated as follows :Firstly - $13,OOO. to operating conting,ency;Secondly - remalning, monies to Ehe reserve fundfor future considerations re]"ated tof,ecrearional facilities.CarrledFY-LAWS:CouncillorCouncillotSmockumRogersTHAT lly-Law No. B?-LL7(CON-I) beinga By*Law Eo authorize the Mayor andthe Cler:k fo execute a Contractberweerr Roger LaRue linterprisesLimited'Iownshipand thefo <strong>Georgina</strong>,be now read a first , second andthird tirnes passed and numbered bythe Mayor: and Clerk .CarriedBY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-117(CON-I)Passed, signed and sealed by theMavor and CI.erk.L4,

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