sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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Councll MinuEes -7- r 19<strong>82</strong> 0l 14.c-<strong>82</strong>-l8. COMMITTEE AND OTHBR EEPORTS (Contd, . , )c) APEorx'rMENls.t;f;i<strong>lt</strong>+lrl.f,$ooo, urr*ur"GBORGINA HYDRO COMMISSION.Attached is Report No. TC8Z-OI of the Clerk.Hoved by CounctllorRogersSeconded by GounclllorLyons.1. THAT Frank Atyeo be re-appclirrted as a mernber to the<strong>Georgina</strong> Libr:ary Board for the three year term -19<strong>82</strong>, 1983 and 1981r.2. THAT David Holborn be appointed as a menber to the<strong>Georgina</strong> Hydro Commission for the year 19<strong>82</strong>.3. THAT Pearson llolder: be re-appoinEed as a mernber tothe CornmitEee of Adjustment and the PropertyScandards Committee for the thtee year term19<strong>82</strong>,1983 arrd 1984 'Caruied,Id) TENDER CONTRACT P81*12-O1 FOR THE TOWNSHIPCANINE CONTROL SERVICES.Attached is Report No. DC-8Z*OI of rhe DeputyClerk.Moved by Regional CounciLlorMcl,eanSeconded by OouncillorOrGrady.THAT the Council resolve into a Caucus rneetlngat the end of rhe Councll rneeting to di<strong>sc</strong>uss, the Tender ConEract. Carrled.e) oNTA$JoMOSQUITO coNTRoLASSOCTATION FALLWOELEHQP,Attached is Report l,lo. EA-8Z-O1 of the EngineeringAssisEantMoved by CouncillorRogersSeconded by Counclllor$hephetd,1. THAT Report No. EA-81*O3 of the Engineeri.ngAssistant, negarding Ontario Mosquito ControlAssociation Fall Workshop, be receivedfor information.Carried.}8, . . . .

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