sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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Council Minute<strong>sc</strong>*<strong>82</strong>-l-5-19<strong>82</strong> 01 14.E. col{!,{ITTEE AND OTIIEn RnpOBTS ( Contd. ,. )5.Moved by CourrcillorRogersSeconded by CouncillerLyons.1. THAT effective February I, 19<strong>82</strong>, the l.ifeinsurance covef,age as provided by Ehe Townshipof <strong>Georgina</strong>, for all its employees and volunreerfiremen, be amended as follows:(i) the policy shall be underwriften wlrh theMutual Life Assuranee Company of Canada inaccordance with the rates quotecl in thelrproposal of November 3O, 1981, and(<strong>lt</strong>) the coverage be increased as folJ-ows -for permanent full tirne staff, coverage willbe 1 x salary to a maxinum.of $sCI,OOOfor volunteet flremen, coverage will belncreased uo $15,OOO life insurance, as wellas $15,O00 Accidental Death and Dlsmembermenr.for permanent part time staffremain at $5,OOO.covenage wi.l1?.THAT Ehe group benefir plan providl-ng coverageto all eligible employees of the Township ofGeorglna be contlnued ln effect with Green Shi-eldPrepald Services Incorporated, ln accordance withthe rates quoced for 19<strong>82</strong>.6.Moved by Begional Counclllor.Carr:l.ed.Mcl,eanSeconded by Counclllor Shepherd .THAT the outstandlng Eaxes itemiaed on the attachedlJ-sts as items t{o. 81*55 to 81-71 incJ.uslve, be writEenoff as uncoll,ectible urlder Section 636 (I) of TheMunlcipal Act.Carried.Counclllor Rogers declared a possible Confllct ofIntere<strong>sc</strong> witir regard to thls fliattef, and dld not takepf,rt ln any di<strong>sc</strong>ussion and did nor vote.7 .Moved by CouncillorLyonsSeconded by CouncillorRogers,THAT effective of the date of passing of thisresolutlon, the Township of Georg,ina impose a fee of$2O0, Flus insurance costs when applicabte, agai.nsteach property registered under Section 40 of TheMunicipat Affairs Act.<strong>lt</strong>Carried.6. . ,

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