sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ... sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...


ilc-82-1THE CORPORATION OF THE TObINSTIIP OF CEORGINAIN THEREGIONALMUNICIPALITYqFY9I!KCOUNCIL MINUTES1982 01 14 .?.3O p.m.Ther Council of the Township of Georg,ina met ln theCouncil Charntrers of the Geotgina Civic Centre, R.R. #2tKpswick, Ontario.The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7'40 p.m.t1. MOMENT OF MEDITATION;Members of Councll observed a MomenE of Meditation-2 . ROLL CALL :The Clerk reported ttrar: all meirrber:s of Councll. werepresent exceFE Council.l.or Smockum and Council.lor l')inch'3 . CONFLICT DISCLOSURES :a) Counci.llor Rogers declared a possible Conflicf- ofInter:est regaiding itern 9 (a) (6) o+ ttre CommiEteeof the I'lhole xePort re Outsternding Taxes, ar'rd didnot take part l.n any discusslon and dtd not vote-At thi-s time the otder of business on the Agenda waschanged to deal with the artlcle in the Globe and MalI onJanuary gth , 1982 -Mayor commented on Ehis article statifl€l thatstatlstics lter-e inaccurate and that Ehe artlcle was totallylacking in journalisEic inEegriEy.The Mayor read a letter to Council members froin Mr.Kelly MorrlLon of, Sutton West, addressed Eo the Globe andMail on behalf of the Township.I2. - . .

Councit Minutesc-82-1-2- 1982 01 14.Regional Councillor Mclean -reada lettef, addressedto the Edltor ;;;-Gi;b;-;;a Mail dated Januatv 12th'"t1982 .The following Motion was considered'Moved bY Councillor RogersSeconded bY Councillor LYons 'THAT the attached lettet and-.the opinions eonr-alnedthetein o* ptlpi"*;-;;-i"h" Mclean and forwar:ded tothe Gtobe i'oronto'. ontario' be herebyendorsed uv "ni"fiiiil [r.,"-i"t1"*ii ihe Township of Georgina'"t.Carrled"'I4. MINUTESOFPJEVIOUSMEETINGS:a) l4inutes of Regular,Council meeEing ofDecember lOth, 198l'Moved bY iounctllorSeeonded bY CouncillorRogersLYons'THAT the MinuEes of the Council neetingf981 l2 10, be adoPred'Carriedb) Mlnutes of Speclal Council Meettng ofDecember Z?rtdr 1981'Moved bY CouncillorRogersSeconded bY Councitrlor LYons 'THAT the Minutes of she QpecralCouncll meetlngof 1981 lZ 22, be adoPted'ofCarried',{l5. DEPUTnTIONS:a) A cltizen grouP wlEh Tegard to Ehe necessity fot aYouth Bureau'Mr, D. Hales spoke to the members of Council regardlngthe need-i;; ;'YouEh Bureau tn Ehe Township of Georgina'Mrs .Sherrill llogers also addressed rhe members ofCouncil i" tiiiE-ioEafd, stsf,ing r!+! a Youth Bureauwould pto"ia*'"p-"i"11V ttalned officers required todeal with Youthful offenders'AE thl$ E{methe rules of procedure $'ere waivedto wtth the following MoEion:,l 3....

ilc-<strong>82</strong>-1THE CORPORATION OF THE TObINSTIIP OF CEORGINAIN THEREGIONALMUNICIPALITYqFY9I!KCOUNCIL MINUTES19<strong>82</strong> 01 14 .?.3O p.m.Ther Council of the Township of Georg,ina met ln theCouncil Charntrers of the Geotgina Civic Centre, R.R. #2tKpswick, Ontario.The Mayor called the meeting to order at 7'40 p.m.t1. MOMENT OF MEDITATION;Members of Councll observed a MomenE of Meditation-2 . ROLL CALL :The Clerk reported ttrar: all meirrber:s of Councll. werepresent exceFE Council.l.or Smockum and Council.lor l')inch'3 . CONFLICT DISCLOSURES :a) Counci.llor Rogers declared a possible Conflicf- ofInter:est regaiding itern 9 (a) (6) o+ ttre CommiEteeof the I'lhole xePort re Outsternding Taxes, ar'rd didnot take part l.n any di<strong>sc</strong>usslon and dtd not vote-At thi-s time the otder of business on the Agenda wa<strong>sc</strong>hanged to deal with the artlcle in the Globe and MalI onJanuary gth , 19<strong>82</strong> -Mayor commented on Ehis article statifl€l thatstatlstics <strong>lt</strong>er-e inaccurate and that Ehe artlcle was totallylacking in journalisEic inEegriEy.The Mayor read a letter to Council members froin Mr.Kelly MorrlLon of, Sutton West, addressed Eo the Globe andMail on behalf of the Township.I2. - . .

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