sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ... sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...


Councllsc-82-o?Minutes*7- 1982 01 2r.5. BY-LAWS ( Contd . . . . )Counclllor Lyons - YeaCouncillor O'Grady - YeaCouncitlor Rogers - YeaCouncillor Shepherd - YeaCouncillor Smockum - YeaMayor Dales- YeaReg*Counci.llor Mclean - NayCounclllor Winch ': NavYea - 6Nay - 2Catried.BY-LAW NO. 82-8tPWO-3)Passed, signed and sealed by theMayor and the Clerk .CouncillorCouncillorLyonsRogersTHAT By-law 82-9(PW0-3) belng a By*Lawf,o establi$h a rafe structure fof,Sewer service for the users of theI'laterworks systsem ln the former Vi.llageof, Sutton, be now read a first, secondand thj.r:d times, passed and numberedby the l'layor and the Clerk.A recorded vote roas requested .The Cl.erk recorded the vote asfnll.ows :Councillor Lyons -- YeaC+uncillorr OrGrady - . YeaCounci.llor Rogers * YeaCounclllor Shepherd * YeaCounclllor Smockum * YeaMayor Dales- YeaRe6-Counci.l lor Mclean - NayGounclllor lrrinch - NayYea * 6Nay - 2Garrled.BY-I,AW NO. 82-9(PWO*3) Passed, si.gned and sealed by EheMayor and the Clerk.t"8.. . .

tCouncll MinuEessc*82-o2s. BY-LAWS (qggEg-:-l--8* 1982 01 21.CouncillorCounci.llorShePherdRogersTHAT BY*Law,No. 82*1o(PL-'l) being,a By-Law to amend Ey-LtwNumber-61-,whith deems part of a' Registered Planof Subdivisi,bn not to be a reSiisteredPlan of Subdi.vislon for the purposesof Section 2i of. the Planning Acttbe now read a first, second andthird times, Passed and numbered bYthe Mayor and Clerk.CarriedBY*LAW NO. 82-10(PL-1)Passed, si,gned and sealed bY theMayor arrd Clerk.CouncillorCouncJ.llorShePherdRogersTHAT By-Law No. 82-11(PL-4)-beingaBv-L-aw ro reftove certain l.ancls froinPart Lot Control, be now read afirst, second and third timea, passedand numbered bY the MaYor and theClerk. ( Irving Development pr:op.osal )'CarriedBY-LAW No. 82-11(PL*4)Passed, signed and sealed bY theMayor and the Clerk.CouncillorCouncillorRogersOrGradYTHAT Bv-Law No. 82-12(PWE-I) beinga By-Liw co protiibit the keeping, ofexotic pecs, lre nor+ read a fi-r:sf-,second lnd ttrird tirnes, passed andnumbered by the MaYor and Clerk'. Carrled-BY*LAH NO. 82-12(PWE*I)Passed, slg;ned and sealed bY theMayor and Cierk .,. ._Cor,rncillorCouncillorShePherdSmockumTHAT By-taw No. 82-13(LA-l) bei.nga By-Liw to authoriue the MaYor andthe-Clerk to execute (1) a Deed ofLand and (2) A Qult Clain Deedrespecting a ConveYance from theTownship 6f Georgina to the Churchof the ila"arene,-be now read a first,second and third times, Passed andnuflbered by the I'{ayor and Clerk.Carried.BY-LAW NO. 82-13(LA-l)Passed, signed and sealed bY thet'lavor and Clerk.l"€l

Councll<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-o?Minutes*7- 19<strong>82</strong> 01 2r.5. BY-LAWS ( Contd . . . . )Counclllor Lyons - YeaCouncillor O'Grady - YeaCouncitlor Rogers - YeaCouncillor Shepherd - YeaCouncillor Smockum - YeaMayor Dales- YeaReg*Counci.llor Mclean - NayCounclllor Winch ': NavYea - 6Nay - 2Catried.BY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-8tPWO-3)Passed, signed and sealed by theMayor and the Clerk .CouncillorCouncillorLyonsRogersTHAT By-law <strong>82</strong>-9(PW0-3) belng a By*Lawf,o establi$h a rafe structure fof,Sewer service for the users of theI'laterworks systsem ln the former Vi.llageof, Sutton, be now read a first, secondand thj.r:d times, passed and numberedby the l'layor and the Clerk.A recorded vote roas requested .The Cl.erk recorded the vote asfnll.ows :Councillor Lyons -- YeaC+uncillorr OrGrady - . YeaCounci.llor Rogers * YeaCounclllor Shepherd * YeaCounclllor Smockum * YeaMayor Dales- YeaRe6-Counci.l lor Mclean - NayGounclllor lrrinch - NayYea * 6Nay - 2Garrled.BY-I,AW NO. <strong>82</strong>-9(PWO*3) Passed, si.gned and sealed by EheMayor and the Clerk.t"8.. . .

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