sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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Counci.l Minutes<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-o2-5*19<strong>82</strong> 01 21.4. COMMITTEE AND O'IHER REPORTS (Contd.e )Moved by CounclllorLyonsSeconded by CouncillorRogersTHAT the following recommendation be adopted,as amended :1. THAT the addttlonal monies received in 19Blover and above the origi.nal amounts budgetedfor the General Support Grant, and the ResourceEqualization Grant of $133r539 be applled asfollows:* to eliminate the Sutton Waferworksdeficir- to partially eliminate the SuttonSewer deficit$4o,966925573t2, THAT an additlonal allocat,lon of Ehe 19<strong>82</strong> GeneralSupport and Resource Equalizatlon Gr-ants be ma< ':to complet-ely eliminate the remaining deficit ofthe Sutton Sewer System at December 31, 1981, ofapproxlmafely $93 , 604 .3.THAT the allocations made to offset the deflc<strong>lt</strong>s ofthe Sut,ton WaterworkE and SuEton Sewers aE Decenber31, 1981., be shown as an interest-free loan,receivabl.e on the Revenue Fund of the Muflici.pality,and that all lot levies recelved after Januaiv 1.19<strong>82</strong>, from the G.M.E.L. Subdivision and aIl lindiwithin ttre Sutton Water Works and Sewer serviced area.be applied Eo reduce this halance.4.5.THAT an allocation of $?O,OOO frorn the GeneralSupport and Resource Equalization Grants f,o theSutton Sewer Systernbe provided in 19<strong>82</strong> topartialLy offsec the cost of operations.THAT thc 19<strong>82</strong> Operating Budgers fcr: the SuttonWater and Sutl-on Sewer Systems be approved.6. THAT the necessary By-Laws be amended to reflectan <strong>18</strong>% increase for the SuEEon Sewer Works and tO%for the SutEon Water Works and such approved ratesshall be effective January l, lg8Z, ai-1i.sted inthe attached <strong>sc</strong>hedule.A recordedvote Was requested.The Clerk tecorded Ehe vote as follows:Councillor Lyons - YeaCouncillor OrGradv * YeaCounclllor Rogers - YeaCounclllor Shepherd - YeaCouncillor Smockum * YeaMayor Dales- YeatReg-Councillor Mcl,eanCounclllor NinchYea * 6Nay * 2* Nay- NayCarrled.6.

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