sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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$peclal Councll<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-38.9.10..' 26 Ttrat reference in modification 2619<strong>82</strong> 02 08.Council has given conslderation to the referralrequest by Mr. Roger Elliott, Solicitor for theEastbourne Commun.ity Association to refer Section3. and Schedule 'Cr of the Official Planof the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> Planning Area, to theOBtarlo Municipal Board and tequests that thisreferraLnot be granted and that such matter bedeferred until such time as it can be heard inconjunction with the Environmental AssessmentHearings yet tc be held on that Sectlon of proposedElghway 89 not yet approved. A<strong>lt</strong>ernatively, in theevent the Minister does not Erant the Municipalitytsrequest to not grantsuch refeTral, that only thatportion of $chedule rCf delineating Highway 89 beieferred to the Ontario Municipal Board and not the wholesshedule.Council has given consideralion to the refeualrequest by Mr. Roger E1liott, $olicitor for theEastbourne Community Association to refer section5.?,7 Bural l'{obite Home Parks and requests thetthis referral not be granted.Council forrrard a copy of Report p-<strong>82</strong>-11 of theDlrector of Pfanntng outtining the Municipalityrsreasoning for its position on the dispositlon oftbe Mlnistryrs suggested modificatXons to the Officla)'PIan of the Township o1 <strong>Georgina</strong> Planning Area."Carried.l[oved by Counclllor lfinchEeconded by Councillor SmockumTHAT1. Counsll has given consideration to suggestednodification 25 by the Ministry of Municipal Affairsgnd Housing and advises that it is the Municipality'spusition that no action need be taken with regardto such modification.2. TIIAT Council endorses the followingE Ministry ofMunicipal Affalrs and Housing suggested modtficationto the Official Plan for the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong>subJect to the following revlslons:l[odificationNqmLerRequeste-dRevi$ionsto Section S.14 be changed toS.f.4 and that the recluirement ofa zoning amendment as a prerequisiteto the conversion ofa seasonal resldence be deleted.Carried.Counclllor Rogers declared a possible Conflict of fnterestand dtd not take part in any di<strong>sc</strong>ussion and did not vote.8. . . . ,

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