sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ... sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...


Specialsc-82-3Council1982 02 08.Moved by CounclllorlYinchSeconded by CouncillorRogers1. COIJNCIL the followinC! Modi.f,icationsaa suggested hy the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, a$d Housing to the Official Plan of the Townshipof, Georglna wlthout further rnodif.i.cations.ModificatlonNumber3 ?4 38 52 66 834 27 40 53 68 855 .28 4t 54 696 30 42 57 7r8 31 43 58 7310 32 44 59 74lt 33 45 60 77,15 34 4? 62 781? 3s 48 68 7s22 36 49 64 80.23 37 51 65 E2iI,.-vi:pirII ,tIit,l;rl I | :III i:] t,';;I2,Councll endorses the following Mintstry ofMunlclpal Affalrs and Housing suggestedmodifLcations to the Off,icia1 Flan of theTwnship of Georgina subject to certalnrevlslons.l{odlficatlon Number ReqqestedFejli-eiqllqThBt the werd "and" between"econonlcally" and 'rsocially"ln the flfth line of subseetlon3. be deteted and rertlacedwlth a comma.That Forest and lIetlands whichforrn part of the EnvironmentatProtection Areas Policies not bellsted separately. That referenceto "Agriculture Priority Areas andHigh Potential Mineral AggregateResource Areas" in the last sentenceof the first paraEif,aph be deleted andreplaced with "Resource Priority Areas".Ttret reference to "two" in thelast line of the first.paragraphbe changed to "three maps". Thatlfap ? - Forest and Wetland Areas beadded and 'rMap ? - Resource PriorityAreasr' be changed to "Map 3 - ResourcePriority Areas."That reference to Map 3 in thenodlflcatlon be changed to Map 2.t213That reference to Map 3modiflcation be changedThat reference to Map ?nodification be changedin theto Map theto Map 3.4. . . -

SpeclalSc- 82- 3Council-4- ri. i; 1982 02 08.t4161E19202tthat the word *severeilvildeleted.belbat reference to "SchedulerAr -LandUse Plan" in the modificationbe changed to'rMap 3, SchedulerBlr Besource Priorlty Areas".that Forest and Wetland AreasYh1ch form part of the EnvironmentalProtection Area policies not be listedaeParately,lbat the words "Sedflon 35C7) (a)of The Planning Act" in Section5.1.1 be changed to "Sectlon 39 (8)(a) of The Planning Act, R.S.O.,lg80rt.that the words "$ectLon 35 C21)"and rfSection 42 of The PlanningActrt be changed to "SectionSt (?2)" and "Section 49 of ThePlanning Act R.$.O., 198O'r.Tlrat an addltional sentence beadded to the end of thercdificatlon as follows: I'exceptwhere such buildings and structuresaccessory to existing buildings orstfuctures or are a replaceme[t of anexistlng building or sttucturer'*' " 'dt ',$t.t.. . . L . . ).1I':;l'Ir.&3946so6167Thf,t the suggested wording be changedto'ra.s set forth in a developerrsagreemen t" .Ihat the worr{s t'Section39 (4) and33 (5)r' in Section 6,1 be changedto "Section 36 (4) and Section36 (5)t' and the suggested modificationbe cbanged to "R.8.O., 1980".Ihat the words "Section 29 (E) of ThePlanning Act" in Seiction 6.1.9be changed to "Section 29 (1O) of ThePlanning Act, H.8.O. , 1980".That only the second paragraph andrubsections (t) to (iv) inctusivebe deleted.Ihat the word "adopted" inparagraph one of Section 7. 3be replaced with the word "received".,'1,'tr1 ii,I 'li::iI5.. ..

Special<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-3Council19<strong>82</strong> 02 08.Moved by CounclllorlYinchSeconded by CouncillorRogers1. COIJNCIL the followinC! Modi.f,icationsaa suggested hy the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, a$d Housing to the Official Plan of the Townshipof, Georglna w<strong>lt</strong>hout further rnodif.i.cations.ModificatlonNumber3 ?4 38 52 66 834 27 40 53 68 855 .28 4t 54 696 30 42 57 7r8 31 43 58 7310 32 44 59 74<strong>lt</strong> 33 45 60 77,15 34 4? 62 781? 3s 48 68 7s22 36 49 64 80.23 37 51 65 E2iI,.-vi:pirII ,tIit,l;rl I | :III i:] t,';;I2,Councll endorses the following Mintstry ofMunlclpal Affalrs and Housing suggestedmodifLcations to the Off,icia1 Flan of theTwnship of <strong>Georgina</strong> subject to certalnrevlslons.l{odlficatlon Number ReqqestedFejli-eiqllqThBt the werd "and" between"econonlcally" and 'rsocially"ln the flfth line of subseetlon3. be deteted and rertlacedw<strong>lt</strong>h a comma.That Forest and lIetlands whichforrn part of the EnvironmentatProtection Areas Policies not bellsted separately. That referenceto "Agricu<strong>lt</strong>ure Priority Areas andHigh Potential Mineral AggregateResource Areas" in the last sentenceof the first paraEif,aph be deleted andreplaced with "Resource Priority Areas".Ttret reference to "two" in thelast line of the first.paragraphbe changed to "three maps". Thatlfap ? - Forest and Wetland Areas beadded and 'rMap ? - Resource PriorityAreasr' be changed to "Map 3 - ResourcePriority Areas."That reference to Map 3 in thenodlflcatlon be changed to Map 2.t213That reference to Map 3modiflcation be changedThat reference to Map ?nodification be changedin theto Map theto Map 3.4. . . -

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