sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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ICouncil Minute<strong>sc</strong>- 8?- 38. COIIMI TTEE AIVD OTHER RSFORTS ( Con td. . . )4. Moved by Counclllor Rogers-5-i.-t98? 02 11.Seconded by CouncillorShepherd.THAT a letter he sent to Liberal M.P.P.,Herbert Epp,. indlcating that the Council ofthe To,nrnship of <strong>Georgina</strong> supports his effortsto facIlitate the Assessment Appeal procedurethrough 8J.11 195.Carried.$. Moved by Councillor T{lnch- $econded by Councillor RogersTIIAT the Corporation of the Townshlb of<strong>Georgina</strong> make application for the small urbanmembership section in the Association ofMunielpalities of Ontario and that the 19<strong>82</strong>Membership fee of $1,5O7.58 be paid.Carried.6. Moved by Cottncillor LyonsISeconded by CouncillorRogers.TIIAT the Mayor proclaim the week of February 22nd,to 28th inc].usive as "Scout-Guide Weekr' ln theTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong>.THAT this proclamatlon be so advertised in theFebruar'y 17th issue of the locaf <strong>lt</strong>ewspape.r,Carried. , . . . ; ,7. Moved try Council.lor OfGrady$esonded by Councilfol'Rogcrs.TIIAT Report No.'T<strong>82</strong>-6 of the Director of Fj.nancebe referred to the Public Affairs Committee to allowthe Director of Finance an opportunity for furtherinvestigatiort on a<strong>lt</strong>ernative proposals forthepreparati.on of specifications fol the installation andpurchase of an fnter-Connect Teletrlhone Systeft.Carried.At this tjme, Council.for O'Grady announced thatthere will be a Putrlic Affairs Committee meetingon Tuesday, 16th February, 198?, at g.30 a.m.6. . . . .J

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