sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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Council.c-<strong>82</strong>-3I'ili.nutes-2,- 19<strong>82</strong> 02 11.6.gqullg$-q$IlgNs;-a) Letter of appreciatlo<strong>lt</strong> to Mayor Drr'les andmembers of Council from Joyce Crittendenfor the Special Recogniti.on Award she receiv-ed.'Ihis was received for information.b) Letter of appreciation to Mayor: Ilales andMembers of Council from Leonard Dontrer forbeing shosen Citizen of the Year.'fhiswas received for information.c) Letter of reslgnation from Gavin lvlor'touasa member of the LACA Conmittee.This was received' with regret.The Clerk to write to Mr. Morton thanki.nghlm for hls efforts and participation ln theLACA Commi.ttee.tAt this time, it was agreed that the order ofbusiness on the Agenda be changed to deal with itemI (a) Cofirnittee of the \{hole recomntendations dealingrvith Virginia Community Ha]], ancl j,ten ]1 (a) - By-Lawfor the keeping of certain kinds of animals in theTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong>. aB members of the gener'al public werepre$ent in the Councit Chambers wishing io speak- to tlrese matters.I (a) Moved by Councillor RogersSeconded by Regional Counclllor McleanTHAT $12,OOO.O0 be allocated to the 19<strong>82</strong> Capita)Budget for the construr:tion of washrooms andlnstallatjon of a septic system wjth funding tobe $3,OOO.OO Gr:ant from Commurtity Recreatjon CentresAct, $7,OOO.OO from Lot Levies and $2,OOO.OO frornCornmuni.ty eontributlons, withan accompanying $tudyto be undertaken and completed no l-ater than Aprilfst, 19<strong>82</strong>, to detertnlne the costs of renovationrj tothe Virginia Community Hall to bring it up to presel<strong>lt</strong>building code standards, as to insulation lrnd soforth.Carried.11 ( a) By-I,aw to prohibit the keeping of certain kindsof animals.Mr. Ernie Brennan of Keswick spoke to Council.members regarding this matter, on behal.f ofRacing Pigeon Clubs, and asked that a regulatoryBy-Law be considcred.t.3. . .

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