sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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Specia.I Council Minutes<strong>sc</strong>-Bg*o? -2-I9B2 02 <strong>18</strong>4. COI!{MITTEE AND OTHER fiEPORTS: (continued)a) TILE DRAINAGE LOANS2.THAT a Rating lly-Law be passed to approve a furtlrerfoan to Larry Fegg ln the amount of gS,900.0O. Thebalance of $4,900.00 to be corrsidered as soorl as afurtlrer alloeatlon is received.Carriecl5.BY-LAW$ICounclllor RogersCouncillor OtGradyBY-LAW NO. B2-25(Tr-1)(Johnston)TIIAT By-Law No. B2-?s(TI*t) beinga Dy*law imposing special annualdrainage rates upon lands inrespect of which money is borrowedundex The TiIe Drainage Act, LgTl ,he read a first, $eeond and thirdtimes, passed and numbered by theMayor and the Clerk.CarriedPassed, signed and sealed by theMayol and thc Cl"erk.tCounclllorCounciflorRogersOtGradyTHAT By-Larv No., <strong>82</strong>-26CTI-I) bej"nga By*Law imposing special annualdrainage rat'eg upon lands jnrespect of rvlrich monoy 'is borrowedunder' The Xlile l)r:alnage Act, 1921,be read a first, secoud ancl thircl'times, pa,$sed and nurnbered try theMayor and the C1erk,tsY*LAW N0. B2-26CTr*1)(.Pees)Carrled,r,r.ePassed, .sfgrred and sealed try ilreMayor and the Clerk.Courrci.li.or RogersIteglonal Councillor McleanTIIAT By-Larv N{r, <strong>82</strong>-27CCOU."z) bej.nga tty*1,a'il/ to confirm the procoedingsof Council at its m,eetj,ng hefd onl8th day of Felrruary, 19<strong>82</strong>, be nowread a first, second anci thir.d timespassed anrl numbered by the l{rryor a,nr<strong>lt</strong>he Clerk"CarriedBY*LAtrr NO, 83-S7(COU*2)Passed, sigued and sealetl by theMayor and the Clorlr"tOn Motlon ,Mecting Adjourned12:30 p.m.

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