sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ... sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...


1 2Councll Minutesc*82-O4-12- L982 02 25 .I . BY LAWS ( Contd ,CouncillorCouncill.orSmockumRogersTHAT By-Law No. 81.-106(LA-3) beinga By*Law to close, stop up and sell.part of the Road Allowance betr'reenConcessions 7 and I (NG) on RefererrcePlan Number 65R-3519 , be now read athird tlme and finally passed andnumbered by the Mayor and the Clerk.CarriedBY-LAW NO. 81-r06(r-A-3)Passed, signed and sealed by theMayor and the Clerk.Reglonal Councj.l.l.or Mclean declareda Conflict of Interesfregarding thls itern and dj.d not takepart- ln ar-ry discussion and did notvote.CouncillorCouncil.lorShepherdWinchTHAT No. 82-34(PWO-z) heinga By-Law to restrict the weighE of'loads on highways under: the-jurisdiction of the Corporation of theTownship of Georgina durirrg the monLhsof Mar:ch, Apriland May, be now reada first, second and third times,passed and numbered by the Mayor andthe Clerk .Carrled.BY-LA[,J NO. 82-34(PWO-z)Passed, slg,ned and sealed by theMayor and the Clerk.CouncillorCounci.IlorWinchRogersTHAT By-Law No. 82-36(PWO-Z) beinga $y-Law to close the Fifth ConcessionRoah Atlowarrce from the Base LineRoad to Metro Road on February ?7th.,and February 28th, 1982, be now reada first, second and third fimes,passed and numbered by the Mayor andthe Clerk.CarriedBY-LAW NO. 82*36(PWO-Z)Passed, ^signed and sealed by theMayor and the Clerk .13. . . .t

Council Mirrutesc-82-o4-13-1982 02 25.I J1 O . OTrrrilt MOTIQNS :Wl.t_h the corlsent of the memhers of Cor:ncil ther:ules of procedurc were waivcd to intr:oduce MoEions :Movcd by Regional Councill or }{cl-eanSecorrded by CourrcillorSlrephcrd.TIIAT the Regional Murricipal.ity of yorlr, Dc- part_ntc"ntof Enp_,irreering be reques-tcd tb j.mprove rrrainlt.narrceopeTaf-ions on the trJeir Sider:oad and Regional_ Road{179, in tlre Townstrip of and to pr:oviclesufficicnt frrrrds foi this malnternarrce progr:aru irrthe 1982 Regional- BudgetCarricd,Moved by CounclllorSeconded by RcgionalRogcrsCouncil.l.or Mclcarr,TIIAT l{l-lIijREAS ther:e has been rertevre(l intere:rt: in anIntra-1'owrrsfri p mais tra.nsport.ati.olr system;I3E ]T RESOLVED TIIAT] Cotluci.f cxrrnr.ine the fcasil,ri.ii_l_Vof es; itn Intlril-.'J'owntrhip mass; transpoirLrLtionsysten irrc).r.rtling a Neetls Study anci a fundiug rJourcrJstud)'.Car:riecl1l.o-lllli4- lll4lll-Ll '_a) Councillor Wlnch i_rrcltrirecl as to thc date ofAccount-.ability Sc.ssitrrr.It was agreed by thc rnemlletr; of Oouncil. lo holclIt'ris Scssi.on on Apr-i.t l6th, 1992, at 7.30 OrGrady aurrounced ttrat- the next, r'riII Lrc hercr .n March z'ij, aI slio ,.n',.aE which. time reprresentatives from Telecoil- arrcl Ilelj-Uanada wr_tI be at{_errdi.rrg regar.diDg an Irrter*Cor_rnectTeleplrorre System.

Council Mirrute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-o4-13-19<strong>82</strong> 02 25.I J1 O . OTrrri<strong>lt</strong> MOTIQNS :Wl.t_h the corlsent of the memhers of Cor:ncil ther:ules of procedurc were waivcd to intr:oduce MoEions :Movcd by Regional Councill or }{cl-eanSecorrded by CourrcillorSlrephcrd.TIIAT the Regional Murricipal.ity of yorlr, Dc- part_ntc"ntof Enp_,irreering be reques-tcd tb j.mprove rrrain<strong>lt</strong>.narrceopeTaf-ions on the trJeir Sider:oad and Regional_ Road{179, in tlre Townstrip of and to pr:oviclesufficicnt frrrrds foi this malnternarrce progr:aru irrthe 19<strong>82</strong> Regional- BudgetCarricd,Moved by CounclllorSeconded by RcgionalRogcrsCouncil.l.or Mclcarr,TIIAT l{l-lIijREAS ther:e has been rertevre(l intere:rt: in anIntra-1'owrrsfri p mais tra.nsport.ati.olr system;I3E ]T RESOLVED TIIAT] Cotluci.f cxrrnr.ine the fcasil,ri.ii_l_Vof es; itn Intlril-.'J'owntrhip mass; transpoirLrLtionsysten irrc).r.rtling a Neetls Study anci a fundiug rJourcrJstud)'.Car:riecl1l.o-lllli4- lll4lll-Ll '_a) Councillor Wlnch i_rrc<strong>lt</strong>rirecl as to thc date ofAccount-.ability Sc.ssitrrr.It was agreed by thc rnemlletr; of Oouncil. lo holclIt'ris Scssi.on on Apr-i.t l6th, 1992, at 7.30 OrGrady aurrounced ttrat- the next, r'riII Lrc hercr .n March z'ij, aI slio ,.n',.aE which. time reprresentatives from Telecoil- arrcl Ilelj-Uanada wr_tI be at{_errdi.rrg regar.diDg an Irrter*Cor_rnectTeleplrorre System.

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