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sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ... sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...


c-82-L7Councll .Mlnutes-4* 198? 10 14.f'5 . DEPUTATIONS :a) A delegation from Ehe Orsi iubdtviston wlthreference to Report No. P-82-40 reg,arding rhesquaf,e footage of the homes proposed for-Sf,age II.Mr. Brian Corbett representing Mr. Orsi addressedMembers of *Councll supportlngl*the position that theconstructlon of the homes in Phase II should be aminimum of L,2OO square feet.Mr. Lledcke addressed the Members of CounclLexpressing his views and reiterating his concernsthat f,he size of the homes in Phase II should be1r5O0. square feeE.After considerable discussion the followtng Motionsr.rere considered.Moved by CounclllorBurrowsSecorrded by CouncillorRogers.THAT the arilendlng By-Larnl for the Orsi Subdivisionprovide that the exterlor walls of the first storevof guch dwelling shall be finished tn Masonry Venelr.Carrled.Moved by CouncillorBurrowsSeconded by CouncillorRogersTHAT Ehe ftinimum squaTe footage in the homes of theOrsl Subdivision in Phase I1 be lr5OO square feet.A recorded Vote was requested.The Clerk recorded the vote as follows:Reg-Councillor Mclean * YeaCounclllor Bufrows - YeaCounclllor Rogers - yeaCouncillor Smockum - YeaMavor Dales- Yea, Councl}lor Lyons - N.yCouncillor OrGrady - NayCouncil.lor Shepherd - N"yCounclllor Wlnch - NayYea - 5Nay - 4Carried.With the agteement of the Members of Council che orderof buslness on the-Agelda was _changed Eo deal wlth Ehe forlowingItein - 9 (c) - 411523 Ontarlo LEdi, (Panelized Homes).5. . . . .;

5.c-82-l 7Council MinuEes -5* l9B2 10 14.9 (c) REPORT OF THE PLANNERT1)AppltcaElon for Rezonlng411523 Ontario Limlted (Panelized Homes)LoE 10 , Plan 146 (NG)Lot 14 - 21, Pl-an 213 (Nc)(RoyalSlrncoe Hotel ProperEy, Keswlck)Counclllor Rogers declared a possitrle Conflict ofIntere$t wlth regard to thts item. He vacaEed hisChalr at this tlme and dld not take part ln anydlscusslon and did noE vote.A group of interesEed cltlzens from the area attendedthe .Councllmeeting and spoke to the natEer .'Moved try Regional Counclllor t{clean.Seconded by Counctllor 0'Grady.1. TI{AT Council approve of an amendment Eo By-LawNo. 9lI on lands described as Lot lO, RegisteredPlan 146, and Lots 14 to 2l inclusive on RegisteredPlan 213 w[ich w11]- have the effect of permitting,eleven Quadraplexes on Ehe said lands subject tocertain special provisions?.3.THAT the Mavor and Clerk be authorized to enterinto a Slce-Plan Agreement with Panelized Homeswhere such Agreement affects Ehe DevelopmenE ofLot 1O, RegisEered Plan I4O and Lots 14 to wl,inclusive, regisEered Plan 213,THAT Council adopE the followlng resolurlon whichw111" lend support f,o Panellzed Homes applicationfor Plan of Condomlnium approval.MTEREAS the Council of the Corporationof, theTownship of Georgina has given conslderatlon to adevelopmenE proposal to erecE eleven quadraplexeson lands collectively descrlbed as Lof, lO,ReglsEered Plan 146 and LoEs 14 f,o 2L lncl-usive,Reglstered Ptah 213, and,WHEREAS Council is cog;nizanE of the shortage ofaffordable housing in the Township and Lhe subJectdevelopment will provide such housi-ng and,WHEREAS Council ls of the oplnion that the proposedresidential use of the subject lands is incompliance with che Official Plan and Zoning By*Lawof the Township and ib compattble with the existlng,adJacent restdenEial nelg,hbourhood.EE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED THAT Ehe Councll of theTownshlp of Georgina hereby endorses PanelizedHomes appllcation for plan of condomi.nium approvalCarrledI 6" . . .

5.c-<strong>82</strong>-l 7Council MinuEes -5* l9B2 10 14.9 (c) REPORT OF THE PLANNERT1)App<strong>lt</strong>caElon for Rezonlng411523 Ontario Lim<strong>lt</strong>ed (Panelized Homes)LoE 10 , Plan 146 (NG)Lot 14 - 21, Pl-an 213 (Nc)(RoyalSlrncoe Hotel ProperEy, Keswlck)Counclllor Rogers declared a possitrle Conflict ofIntere$t w<strong>lt</strong>h regard to thts item. He vacaEed hisChalr at this tlme and dld not take part ln anydl<strong>sc</strong>usslon and did noE vote.A group of interesEed c<strong>lt</strong>lzens from the area attendedthe .Councllmeeting and spoke to the natEer .'Moved try Regional Counclllor t{clean.Seconded by Counctllor 0'Grady.1. TI{AT Council approve of an amendment Eo By-LawNo. 9lI on lands de<strong>sc</strong>ribed as Lot lO, RegisteredPlan 146, and Lots 14 to 2l inclusive on RegisteredPlan 213 w[ich w11]- have the effect of permitting,eleven Quadraplexes on Ehe said lands subject tocertain special provisions?.3.THAT the Mavor and Clerk be authorized to enterinto a Slce-Plan Agreement with Panelized Homeswhere such Agreement affects Ehe DevelopmenE ofLot 1O, RegisEered Plan I4O and Lots 14 to wl,inclusive, regisEered Plan 213,THAT Council adopE the followlng resolurlon whichw111" lend support f,o Panellzed Homes applicationfor Plan of Condomlnium approval.MTEREAS the Council of the Corporationof, theTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong> has given conslderatlon to adevelopmenE proposal to erecE eleven quadraplexeson lands collectively de<strong>sc</strong>rlbed as Lof, lO,ReglsEered Plan 146 and LoEs 14 f,o 2L lncl-usive,Reglstered Ptah 213, and,WHEREAS Council is cog;nizanE of the shortage ofaffordable housing in the Township and Lhe subJectdevelopment will provide such housi-ng and,WHEREAS Council ls of the oplnion that the proposedresidential use of the subject lands is incompliance with che Official Plan and Zoning By*Lawof the Township and ib compattble with the existlng,adJacent restdenEial nelg,hbourhood.EE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED THAT Ehe Councll of theTownshlp of <strong>Georgina</strong> hereby endorses PanelizedHomes appllcation for plan of condomi.nium approvalCarrledI 6" . . .

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