sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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Courrcl.l. Minut,e<strong>sc</strong>*<strong>82</strong>-04-5-L9<strong>82</strong> 02 25 .58. COMMITTEE AND OTHERREPORTS (Contd7THAT clre proposed r,'oad expenditures fot Ii<strong>82</strong>be and fhe same are hereby approved in thefollowi.ng amounts and ln accordance wjth theattached Maincenarrce and Cofrstruction Budgets:Isgl-jrdcstConstrucEionMaintenanceNot for SubsidyTotal$ 54I,ooo.oo$ I,I40,OOO.OO$ ?r,5oo.ooSulrtidy$296,OOO,OO$577,800.0O$ Nil2. THAT the Councll of the Townehip of Georglnar:espectfully requests that the Minister:ofTransportatiorr and Communicafion$ provide aSupplementary Subsldy in 198? for the followingproJects aild amounts.TotatrSubqjdyt1. EquipmentReplacementz.3.Mossington BridgeCarry OverUpgrading Roadsln Keswick$70,OOO.OO$65,OOO .OO$139,60o.00$35,oOO . OO$52,ooo.oo$69,800.09TOTAL$274,600.O0$i5::80?:?0Catrlied.J.]loved by CouncillorWi.nchSeconded by CouncillorLyorrs.1.z.THAT By-Law No. 2OZ be repeal_ed.THAT the By-Law attached to Report No.TE-8?-07 as Appencllx II bei,n6i a By*Law topermif oversized loads on tha hi.ghways of theTownship of Georgirra, be passed.Carried6.;

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