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sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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Gouncilc-<strong>82</strong>-04Minul-es-3- L9<strong>82</strong> 02 2s.6. COMMUNICATIONS :a) South Lake Simcoe ConservaLion AuEhority MinuEesof the Thirty-First Inaugur:al Meeting of February4rh. r9<strong>82</strong>.This was received for infor:mation.b) i.) Ben Levy, Roches Pointf,i) Anthony Leibel, Roches Pointii.i) Larry Daiter, Roches Pointi v )Joan WaxmanREquesting to be pl.aced on Ehe cit'culafidnand to be informed of meetings concerningMapl.e Leaf Estates proposal.1 i s t ,theThese were received for lnformation.Ic )d )Letter: of appreclation frorn Chrj-stine Horton for thePins she received from the Township for her frip eoGermanyThls vlas recelved for: information.Harold Sanders representin5; "Operation Dismantle" isrequestlng that Council consider a referendum on EhequesEion of disarmamenr.tlith the a6sreement of rhe membcrs of Council., the orderof business was changed at this time to deal'wi.th ReporENo. CAO-<strong>82</strong>-Ol of 'the Chief Adrninistrative Officer *Referendum on Disarmamerit.Mayor Dal-es had prepared a written submissionregardl-ng his own personal views on worlddlsarmament which he read Lo Council. Vervbriefly he indicated rhar local Council wbul"d nothave t-he specialized knowledge Ehat wotrld qualifythem to make foreign policy decisions, however, Lhelssue here is not a choice of parElcular strafegy toaverr war, but wtrether the public could bc giverr anopporfuflity for free expression of a personil opirri-on,The followlng resoluLlon was consldered :Moved by Counci.llorSeconded by CouncillorRogersBurrowstTHAT I,lllliREAS the member states of the United Nationshave agl-eed_. unatr i.mousl. y to the concept of "generaldisarmamentil since 1.961, ;AND WtlliREAS fhe arms race has continued urrabatedsince chen al enormous cost (estimated af $600 bill.iona year) ;AND WHEREAS l-he l.lnttect Nations has agreedurraninrously r.trat: I'Mankindis conftorrted wi.th achoice: we mrrst hal.f the arrue race and pr6sg<strong>sc</strong>l gedisar:mamt-rnt or face annihll-ationrt:

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