sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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I ICounciLl{lnute<strong>sc</strong>*<strong>82</strong>-O5-11-19<strong>82</strong> 03 r_1t ItlO.BY-LAWS: (Contd. . . . . )CounclllorCounclllorllumowsSmockumTHAT By*Law No. <strong>82</strong>*4O(PWO-2) belnga By-Law to dedlcate certain landsas being a PubLic Highway and formlngJpert of Concession 7 Road, be nowread a first, second and thlrd times,passed and numbered by the lllayor andtheDeputy Clerk (pt. Lot. 5, Con.q NG)CarrJ.ed.BY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-4O(PWO-?)Passed, slgned and sealed by theMayor and the Deputy C1erk.CouncillorCounclllorBurrowsSmockumTHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-41(PUT-I) beinea Ey-Law to authorlze and regulatethe planting, trimrning and removalof trees on the Highways of theTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong>, be now reada first, second and third tirnes,passed and numbered by the Mayor andthe Deputy Clerk.Carried,BY-LAW NO. 8?-41(pUT-r)Passed, slgned and sealed by thellayor and the DePuty Clerk,Councillor Shepherd declared apossible Confllct of Interest onthls item and did not take part inany di<strong>sc</strong>ussion and did not vote.Councill.or BurrowsCouncillor SmockurnTHAT By*Law No. <strong>82</strong>-42(TR-t) beinga By-Larv for Prohibiting the parki.ngor leaving of motor vehicles onprlvate property withoutr the eonsenrof the Ownerf or Occupant of theproperty, and 0n property owned oroccupled try the Munlcipai.<strong>lt</strong>y or anvlocaf Board thereof without the consentof the Municipality or LocaLBoardas the ease rnay be, be now read afirst, second and third times, passecland numbered by the Mayor and theDeputy Clerk.Carried.BY-LAW NO. B2-42(TR-1)Passed, signed and sealed by theMayor and the Deputy Clerk.I ? .

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