sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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Councll Mlnute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-O5-4= 19<strong>82</strong> 03 1I.49. (a) Conrn<strong>lt</strong>tee of the Whole recommendatlons of March4th, 198?.l. Moved by Regional Councillor Mcl,eanSeconded bY Counclllor lTlnchr I1.2.THAT prtor to the iseuance of a building permitfor the subject land, the owner shall submit adeposited plan de<strong>sc</strong>ribing the location of theexistlng or a<strong>lt</strong>ered water course and shall enterlnto a drainage easenent ag:reement with thelfunlclpaLitY.Carried.Counclllor Rogers deslared a posslble Conflict offnterest with regard to the above item, and did nottake part in any di<strong>sc</strong>ussion and did not vote.2. Moved by Councillor l,YinchSeconded by CouncillorTHAT the appllcation for re-zoning submitted byGordon Cooper, being an application to permit theconstructlon of a single famlly dwelling on anunderslaed lot in the rural (RU) zone, de<strong>sc</strong>ribedas Lot 29, and Part of Lots 28, 3O Range fV,Town Plot of Keswick, Hprovg4-Rogers-1. THAI the application for rezoning, sulrmitted lryByron Locki,e, being an application to permit a$eeond residence with an independent entrance ona farm,- de<strong>sc</strong>ribed as part of Lot 21, Conce$sion 5(NG) EqAplIeILed provided that the applicant files aformal-a$[TTEEtion for severance withthe YorkRegional Land Division Committee, suchapplicationbeing to sever a Lot contai.ning the proposed newsecond resj,dence from the existing farm.2. TIIAT the applicant make payment to the Townshi.p of. <strong>Georgina</strong>, a $75O. Park Levy and $1.'5OO Lot Levy aseither a condjtion of building permit approval fol theproposed new second residenie or as a conditi.on ofseverance approval for the severance mentioned inI above, whichever approval is completed first.Carried.3. Moved by Councillor l'linchSeconded by CouncillorSmockum.THAT the applicatlon suhmitted by Amar Kaushal, treingan appJ,ication to permit the erection of a 3 storeySenior Citizens Lodge with a conxnon kitchen area onPart of Lot 14, Concession 3 (NG), B4pprqfqd subiectto the following cond<strong>lt</strong>ions :tA. That the owner submit a revised site plan showingthe location of(i) The private sewage dlsposal and watersupply system.5. . . .

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