sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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5Council Minute<strong>sc</strong>- <strong>82</strong>-O5:$- 19s2 03 11.6. ll<strong>lt</strong>PurAr IqNq (Cot44_, .JMr. Edwartl lgJ-ar, Solicitor for Mr, $. Hirmlin address,ic+dCouncll requesitjlng Council's consideratj.on of therenroval of a orre foot reserve IIom the northerllpontion of his pl'operty to enable hinl to instal acul.vert.Movecl by CounciflorShepherdSeconded tly }legional Councill.or l{cT-eanTHAT the requc+st for the removal. of a one for.rt r:eservefrorn the property of <strong>lt</strong>{r. George HamJ.iu, Udora, bedcnied.Carried Unanlmous;fv. . . . .Withthe agteelment of the mernbel:s of Councj.l, Itcmg (b)fteports ruas dca<strong>lt</strong> with at tlris time;.I ( h ) qIIfT$ STRlLfiL ll0liT IIOLSTE l.r :Att.ached is Report No. IIA*<strong>82</strong>-O3 of t.hc Ent{ineeringAssista,nt. (fteferred ftclmCouncj.l Mceting of}'ebruary 25th, :l9BZ).A Petitionto l(eep the rol.rd opened was presen{;ed.l{r'. Lorne Lamont spoke to melmbers of Councilsupporting t ire opening of }''j, fth StTeet irr PorLBolster.Mr$. Rundel wlro tivee on lrlfth Street in PortlSol.ster, addle:+sed rnernirers of Counci.l reques;Lirrg.1that the street renain closed.Aftt'r a gxeat; deal of dj.<strong>sc</strong>.us;sion the followingMotion rvas cons<strong>lt</strong>lered;Moved hy CouncillorRogersSecouded by Council]orO'Grady1.. THAT the rvest elld of I'ifthStreet i.rr PorL lloLs;terlre opr'ned tlrrough to IrvingJ Drive for a trialperi.orl of six montlrs at n'hich tirne tralfic countswill be taken.DefeatedMoved by CouncilforSmockutnSeconded by CouncillorSlreplrerd.1. TIIAT the west end of FifthStrc'et in Port tsolrrterbe opened permancntly through to frvlng Drive.2. TIIAT the llraffjc By-Lirrv be :rmencled to j.ncludeIllverview }Seaoh Road as a stop srtTeet at IrvingDri.veCarrledTlre Township Engineer wa.q lnstructed {:o take a traf-[J,ccollnt duri.ng tlre summer months withrega.rd to the abovenetter.4....

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