sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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tr 3Councilc-<strong>82</strong>-()6l'linutes-13-19<strong>82</strong> 03 25.r3. NoTlQnorrtQTlQllANIJ WIIEIiEAS the Ontario Government has puhliclystated that it is attempting to reduc.e acid-rainin Ontarjo where sonte 4tl,OOO Iakcs will be dead ifcurren t f e vt= I s of aci d ra i.rr con t i. n ut.' ;AND WIIEITEA$ thc establis;hmet<strong>lt</strong> of the coal fired plant1n question will. affcct fakes i.n Ontario advcrsely;TIII]REFORI], IIE IT RXSOLVED TIIAT thc I'rovittce of Ontar:iolle requcstecl to intcrvene to l:equire a hearin[{ bcforet.he National Energy Rcralcl arrd to requj.l<strong>lt</strong>.' a complcttrHnvilonmental Assessment of tlris proiect;Saicl resofution to be circulal;cd to all Municipal.ities inOntario for their etrdorsation and to thc-: Leaders of allFarties in the Ontario Legislature and locaf MPJ)rs.This was deferredtolllhole ntee ting.the next Committee of' th(r14. RY_I,AW TO CONFIRIU PROCEHDING$ :Counci llorCouncillorWinchShepherdTIIAT By-I,aw No. 8?-51(COU-2)h

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