sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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Councilc-<strong>82</strong>-06Minutes-8- r9B2 03 25.9. COMMITTEEANDOTTIIIRREpORTS(Contd...)(e)REEQET oF 'I'IIE FIRE cHIEIii) Tender Contract No. PB2-O2-OI for 30 sitlgleChannel Monitor Pager$Attachedis Report No. FC-<strong>82</strong>-o1.Moved by Councl]for$econded by CounclllorSmockumLYons,TIIAT the ,tender quotation of Motorola Canada Ltd.ln the total amount of $16,157.40 be accepted fortetrder Contract No. PB2-OZ-O1 for the supply ofThlrty Single Channel Monitor Pagers.Carried.r...i..( f ) REtsg.Rr oF lEEAUIIE Apl'{llllrRAri VE q FIIIEE :i) 19<strong>82</strong> Industry and Tourism Buclget.Attactred is Report No. CAO-<strong>82</strong>-O4.Moved by Council.lorITinchSeconded by Regional Councillor l{cl,ean.TIIAT eaclr of the 1.08? Grants cotrtained inthe Ifidustry & Tourism Budget tre consideredseparately.Carried.Moved by CouncillorSeconcled by CouncillorWinchShepherd.THAT the <strong>Georgina</strong> llistor'ical 19<strong>82</strong> crarttbe reduced by $5OO.OO.Defeated.Moved by CouncillorO'GradYSeconded by RegionaLCouncillorMcLean.1. TI{AT the following 19<strong>82</strong> firants be approved:I98?IIEQUHST19<strong>82</strong>GRANTGeorglna BrockHorticu<strong>lt</strong>ural Society $ IOO.OO $ 1OO.OOSutton Agricu<strong>lt</strong>uralSocietv1,5OO.OO + 3,5OO.OOArena use?,ooo.0o9. . . .

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