sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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5Council, Mlnute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-0619<strong>82</strong> 03 25.9. COMMITTfiE AND OTIIEII RnpOnTS (Contd. . . )2.Moved by Regional CouncillorMcleanSeconded try CouncillorWinchTIIAT the irpplication for' r'ezoning subrnl.tted byRenato Bal.darj., heing an application to rezoneland dc<strong>sc</strong>ribed as Irart of Lot 26, Concession 3 (NG)to per:m<strong>lt</strong> the erection of a single farnily drvellingthereon, bq ilpproLr'.d, sub.jr:ct to the said dwellinghaving a minirnum flont yard setback of fl metres(36.1 {eet) and a maximum front yard setback of23metres (75.1 feet)Carried.3.Movc.d by llegional Councillor Mcl.eran$econtled by Counci.llorWinch.TIIAT the app)ication for rezoning subrnitt.ed lryRosarj-o Porrti.eri, hein{T an application to rezoneland de<strong>sc</strong>rj.ited hs Part of L()t 2G, Concession 3 (NG)to permit the erection of a single farrrily dwel11ngthercon, be appr"ovcd, subject to the silid dwellinghaving a ffinjmqfi front yard setback of fl |netres(36.1 feet) and a minirnun front yard settrack of23metres (75,f feet),Carried.(b)(r)REFOR']'SOFTIEIILERK:Ladies Auxiliary of The Royal CanaclianLegi.on re-'questirrg to hold a Church Farade.Attaclreid is Report No, TC-<strong>82</strong>-05Moved by Counci, J.lrlr SmockumSeconded by CouncillorLyons.2.l.TIIAT the Ladjes Auxili.ary Branch 356Suttonand ljistrict Branchof the Roval CanadianLegion be permitted to hold a Church parade on$unday, May 2, 1.9<strong>82</strong>, corrtnencj.ng at lZ.3O p.rl.from the Legjon Iluilding and lrroceeding alongEast Street to the Cenotaph, where a new flagwifl be dedicated, then march llorth on IIigh Streetto Da1tonRoad, alonu. I)a<strong>lt</strong>on Road to ImmacufateConception where the Cirurch service takes place.Tlre parade wilf break off at the L.G.A. lrarking lot.Further, that all other appropriate bodics berespectfully asl

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