sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ... sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...


l.Councj-1 MinuEesc-82-07TENDERS ( Contd. . . )*6- 1982 04 0806Moved by Cotrnci.)-Ior Smockum \Seconded by CortncillorLyons,THAT Councll reconslder: the Motion that thetender in the amount of $2,932.50 to supply Weedand Brush KiIIer, subrni.lted by Bradfor:d Co-Op,Bradford, Ontario, be accepted.Carrled.beA further Report on the mattrer of Weed CorrLrol willprepared by the Township Engineer.8.PITITTONS-.There were none .9 . COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS ;a) CommiEree of the Whole recommendations ofAprtrl Ist , 1982 .Moved by Regional Councillor McleanSeconded by CouncillorShepherd.1. THAT the request from the SutEon Curllng CIub bereferred to Township staff to investi-gate otheravenues of furrdlng that may be avallable to theCurling CIub , ancl furtlrer , thats the Economic andDevelopment Committee discuss the posslbility ofesrablishing a policy to deal with requests forprivate {unding.CarriedCouncillor Smockum declared a possible Confltct ofInter:est on this ifem and did not take part in anydiscussion and dtd not vote.Councillor Burrows declared a possible ConflicE ofInterest regarding this i-tem anO diA nof take partany discussion and did not voEe.Gounclllor Lyons declared a possible Confllct oflnterest regarding this item and did not take partany discussion and did not vote.Councillor Winch declared a possible Corrflict ofInterest regarding Ehis item arrd did noc take parfany discusslon and did not].illn7 . . . .

Council Minutesc-82-O7-7-1982 04 0Ba79 . COMMITTEFI AND OTHER RUPORTS ( Contd 'Moved by CouncillorO'GradySeconded by Council.).orRoger:s.THAT the applicati.on for rezoning by AIice Russellas detailed lrr Report F-82-tB be refer:red back tothe Dlrector of Planni-ng to address the concerns asoutlined in the Petition received from the objecLorsln the ar:ea and Eo arrang,e to meet wit,h all inter-estedparties jn an effort to provide adequaEe siLe plantonErols with a report to be submitted wirhin a 30day pertod..Carried3. Moved by Councillor SmockumSeconded by CouncillorOrGrady.t4.THAT a By-Law to money to aid in theconstrillctj-on of Drainage Works under the TileDrai,nage Acr, 1980, as amendedbe given tworeadings at this timc and mai.led by the Clerk tothe Ontario Municipal Board, for approval..Moved by CouncillorShepherdCattied.Seconded by CouncillorRogers.THAT Councll pass a By-Law deeming Lots 5O, 5Iand 8O to 89 lnclusive on Registered Plan ofStrbdivision 237 not to be lots on a Registered PIanof Subdtvislon for purposes of Section 29 (3) of ThePlanning Act, R.S.O., f980.- Carried5.Moved by CounclllorO'GradySeconded by CounciI.l.orRogers.THAT Cor.rncil designate all lands withitt theTownship of zoned R3, I, CI, C2r C3r C4tC5, C6, Ml, M2, M3, M4, M5, A and OS iri ZoningBy-Law 9I1, as amended as a Site Control Area.Carried8. . . ..

Council Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-O7-7-19<strong>82</strong> 04 0Ba79 . COMMITTEFI AND OTHER RUPORTS ( Contd 'Moved by CouncillorO'GradySeconded by Council.).orRoger:s.THAT the applicati.on for rezoning by AIice Russellas detailed lrr Report F-<strong>82</strong>-tB be refer:red back tothe Dlrector of Planni-ng to address the concerns asoutlined in the Petition received from the objecLorsln the ar:ea and Eo arrang,e to meet wit,h all inter-estedparties jn an effort to provide adequaEe siLe plantonErols with a report to be submitted wirhin a 30day pertod..Carried3. Moved by Councillor SmockumSeconded by CouncillorOrGrady.t4.THAT a By-Law to money to aid in theconstrillctj-on of Drainage Works under the TileDrai,nage Acr, 1980, as amendedbe given tworeadings at this timc and mai.led by the Clerk tothe Ontario Municipal Board, for approval..Moved by CouncillorShepherdCattied.Seconded by CouncillorRogers.THAT Councll pass a By-Law deeming Lots 5O, 5Iand 8O to 89 lnclusive on Registered Plan ofStrbdivision 237 not to be lots on a Registered PIanof Subdtvislon for purposes of Section 29 (3) of ThePlanning Act, R.S.O., f980.- Carried5.Moved by CounclllorO'GradySeconded by CounciI.l.orRogers.THAT Cor.rncil designate all lands withitt theTownship of zoned R3, I, CI, C2r C3r C4tC5, C6, Ml, M2, M3, M4, M5, A and OS iri ZoningBy-Law 9I1, as amended as a Site Control Area.Carried8. . . ..

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