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sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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02Councll Minute<strong>sc</strong>,-8?*o7-2-19<strong>82</strong> 04 0B .5. MINIITES 0F PRI:VIOUS MI1FjTINCS (Contd. . .)Budgct, item No. 3, Counci.llor Wlnchrs namc hedeletcd as f,he mover, and Councillor OrCrady'sname be inserced .Carricd.DIIPUTATIONS ;a)Regi.onal Chair:man; Bob Forharr infornted Corrncll'heEhir was pleased to attend the meetirrg topresent a preview of the 19<strong>82</strong> Regional Budget.He reviewed charts presented to rhe members to dowith triple as$essnelrt comPar:i,sons and Gr:anfPoptrlaElon comparisons of the Regi.onal Municiph).1tiesfor 19BI'- 19<strong>82</strong>He f,equested Councll to couslder a resol.ution to beaddressed to the Mlnistry of Mrrnici.pal Affairs arrdHousing with regarcl to the aPPorEionment of guaranteegrants.The following resolutiorr was consider:edlIMoved by Councill"or$econded by CounclllorRogersO'GradyWHEREAS a proposed charrge in Provinci.al policywould entail paymei<strong>lt</strong> of derrsity and apportlorrrnentguarantee granEs direcrly to Area Municipalitiesrather than to the Regl.ou;AND WHERIIAS a fur:ther pollcy change ln respect foper capita granfb payable to the Region would requirethe Region to dlstribute srrch grants among its ArieaMunictlialifies on an assessmenE ratlo taEher than apopulation basis ;AND I,IIIEREAS initial cal.culations would apPear tolndi.cate fhe lnEenrion of the Province that thet9B2 appor:Eiontnent guat'antee Brartt total avail,abla foldistribution among the Area Municlpal<strong>lt</strong>ies will besigniflcantly )-ess than the 1981 figure;AND WHEREAS if these proposed chatrges in grant policyare lmplement.ed by the Province, certain lesser:affluent Area Municipalities of the Regi-on of Yorkwtll be required to bear an ut.iust and severefi-nancial burden by reason of lrrcreased Regional faxlevies directly af,tributable Eo the switch from thepopulation formula.to uhe assessnent formula forgr anf, apportioflment PurPoses ;En rr THEREFORE RESOLVIID thaE the MinisEer of MunicipalAffatrs and Housirrg respectfully be pEtitioned f,oprovlcle density and apportionment guaraf<strong>lt</strong>ee Eirantsin ar least th-e same amounts as i.'n 1981 and furtherthat policy nof be changed from other years in respectto fhe apporEionrnent of pet capita Brants'Carried3.

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