sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ... sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...


BCouncilc-82-OBMinutes-B- 7.982 Q4 22.L2. oTIIER\{QII!!EiAt this time theto irltroduce of procedurefoflowing l\totion.s:were waivedCounclllorCounciflor'SmochumLyorrs1IIAT Council alrprove of theappointment of C()uncil.lor ]lclrtaShephercl to the RoyaJ CatradianRirngers Band IIaff Board (lonxni.ttee.Carried.Heg-Counciflor McLeanCouncj llor lloge rsIlIIAT at th{-: retluest of the Opti.mistCLub of Kesrvick, the Jlollorvj-trfTproclamlrti.on be itrsertecl jn tlre nextjssue of our local newspapcr':TIIAT the week of lt{av fst to lt{ny ?th'1982, be proclaimed lly tltc'; It4aJ'or as"lleslrect of Larv Wecl

9Council. Minutesc-82-O8*9.- 1982 04 22.13. onlEl!BUSINIIES(cqnl4.c) Itegional Council.lor McLean tablecl a 1et;terfr'om Mr's. R. St.e,'wart, R.R. #1, Suttotr l{est, a parkitlg ploblem at the Itrtersectionof l{ighway 48 and lJal.dwin Road.Tlris was referred to Mr. ll.1'. Maglouflhlen,l'owrrship Engineer for a lcJ)ort to Councj.l..d) Ilegional Council.l.or McLean teported on theIce I'ishing Dcrbyprest-'rrtinl1 a final statementIIe asked for direction for a 1983 Fisltlng Derby,ancl for a 2/3 nrajority of Council to intr:oducethe following lt'lotion :ltroved by Regionaf Councjll.or Mcl,eanSeconded by CouncillorWincht1'IIAT WHEFEAS i-t is in the best interests of theMuni.(ripality to promote events within the Toltrship;AND WHEIIEAS the Great Georgina lce Fjshing Derby isof tlreat beneflt to the Municipality;THEIIIII'Olrll, BE IT IiESOI,VEI) that th('r Tr:wnshipgive authorj.zation to ttre Derby Committce to organizethe 1983 Fishing l)elby within the spollsorship offt'rrby Molsonrs Ltd., acc',epted by the Cortncif wj-thplogrcssretr)oTts and buclp_;et app]'oval.s t.o be subluitted to CounciLfrom t to ti lnci .Carried.e) Mayor rcmindcd members of Councif that theBegj.onal. Bus Tour rviLl commeucc at 8.45 otrFridily, 23rd Apli1., 1982.f) (louncillor Shepherd i.nquired as to the status ofthe Street lights in Udora.Mr. R.T. MaSloughlen was dj.rected 1.o report back toCourrciflor Sht:plreI'd on the situation.*lC) Councj..llor Shepherd also stated that tlrt: signat the,tllj,ghway 48, Information Centr:e was in abad state of repair, and asked j{ this could bereplaced.Councifl.or Shepher-d rvas infolmed that this wasbeing fookecl al'ter'.h) Councitlor Shepherd inqulrecl as to the pxogresis onthe beautificaticrn of Shepherd was infortnr:tl that ne{Iotationsare under way with Ontirlio )Iydro, the oJlficer and the Engineering Assistant.10. . . .t"i1

9Council. Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-O8*9.- 19<strong>82</strong> 04 22.13. onlEl!BUSINIIES(cqnl4.c) Itegional Council.lor McLean tablecl a 1et;terfr'om Mr's. R. St.e,'wart, R.R. #1, Suttotr l{est, a parkitlg ploblem at the Itrtersectionof l{ighway 48 and lJal.dwin Road.Tlris was referred to Mr. ll.1'. Maglouflhlen,l'owrrship Engineer for a lcJ)ort to Councj.l..d) Ilegional Council.l.or McLean teported on theIce I'ishing Dcrbyprest-'rrtinl1 a final statementIIe asked for direction for a 1983 Fis<strong>lt</strong>lng Derby,ancl for a 2/3 nrajority of Council to intr:oducethe following <strong>lt</strong>'lotion :<strong>lt</strong>roved by Regionaf Councjll.or Mcl,eanSeconded by CouncillorWincht1'IIAT WHEFEAS i-t is in the best interests of theMuni.(ripality to promote events within the To<strong>lt</strong>rship;AND WHEIIEAS the Great <strong>Georgina</strong> lce Fjshing Derby isof tlreat benef<strong>lt</strong> to the Municipality;THEIIIII'Olrll, BE IT IiESOI,VEI) that th('r Tr:wnshipgive authorj.zation to ttre Derby Committce to organizethe 1983 Fishing l)elby within the spollsorship offt'rrby Molsonrs Ltd., acc',epted by the Cortncif wj-thplogrcssretr)oTts and buclp_;et app]'oval.s t.o be subluitted to CounciLfrom t to ti lnci .Carried.e) Mayor rcmindcd members of Councif that theBegj.onal. Bus Tour rviLl commeucc at 8.45 otrFridily, 23rd Apli1., 19<strong>82</strong>.f) (louncillor Shepherd i.nquired as to the status ofthe Street lights in Udora.Mr. R.T. MaSloughlen was dj.rected 1.o report back toCourrciflor Sht:plreI'd on the situation.*lC) Councj..llor Shepherd also stated that tlrt: signat the,tllj,ghway 48, Information Centr:e was in abad state of repair, and asked j{ this could bereplaced.Councifl.or Shepher-d rvas infolmed that this wasbeing fookecl al'ter'.h) Councitlor Shepherd inqulrecl as to the pxogresis onthe beautificaticrn of Shepherd was infortnr:tl that ne{Iotationsare under way with Ontirlio )Iydro, the oJlficer and the Engineering Assistant.10. . . .t"i1

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