sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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Council Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-O8*4- 19<strong>82</strong> 04 22.9. COI,,IMITTEE O}' TIIE WHOI,ERECOMIT'IHNIIATIONS (Contd. . . . )4. I,{oved lry Councillor: ITinch'$econded l-ry CourrcillorShepherdTHAT a Bv-Law to regulate the instirllation of woodburning appliances Lg! bc passecl tlecause of ttrtrdifficu<strong>lt</strong>y of perforrnjng Irroper i.rtspectjotrs and thefact that tht: Munlcipali.ty canllot control theoperation of tlre appliances witlr tlre resuft thlrt tlreMunicipal.ity may be expo-^ed to lialriJity if a fireshould occul on an lnstallation that has beenlnspected by the MuniciPtlitY.Carried.5, Movetl by Councillor LYonsSeconded by Councill.or$hep<strong>lt</strong>erd.1'IIA1I thc lviotion movcd by Council)or Lyons andseconded try CouncilJ.or: Shepherd, a.s foLlows:"TllAT the damage done by erosion of the batrliat the South ea$t side of the Sul,l.on l]am beIepair:ed as soon as possibfe tr'o catch the springrains to refill thc Mi11 Pctnd. Thi.s work to bq:done wjthin the Townshjprs capabilities",be deferred pendirrg recej.pt of Iredcrnl. and Conservatj.oninvof venrent a$ to time of study requri$tecl ancl any othermatters to be dea<strong>lt</strong> with.Carried.6. At this time Mayor Dafe-'s weJc.omed the lst Georgi.traGi,rI Guldes of Virginia, to the Coutrcjl meeting artdtheir lerrder', I)i;r,ne Morris introducerd the Guides,lnturn, to Council.Wjth the agreement of the memtrer:s o.f Coutrci.l theorder of business on the Agerrda was moved to item 7 (c)Comnrun lcations .7, (c) Marj.e Lauaier representing a Newmarkt:t Womenrs groupls reqrresting a fettt,'r of support flom C

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