sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ... sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...


2Councilc*82-O8lt'linut:es-2- 1982 04 22.5. BUETNESS4BTST!!GrnOMMI{UTS$:a) Councillor: Shephercl regarding page 13, If,sm ]2,(b) papcr Ii.ttering, asked if anythjng hadbetln dont',,to thjs m.rtter.The Chief Admi.nistrirtive Officer was instlucted toinvestjgate this problem and infor'tn the Councillorof lr is fj.ndiugs .b) Regional CourrciJlor Mclean with regard to pagc. 13,Item 12 (a) asked that Councillor Burrorvs sulr$tanLiatehis statement or make an apology to Councif at thistime.Moved try Regional Councillor l{cl,eanSeconded by Counci)JorShepherd.lIIA'l' Council re-affirm the statemcnL as amendod,as followst rror present an apology to Councj.J. as awlrofe j f same call not be substantiated" , j,n theCouncil lUinuters of April Bth, item12 (a), andthat action be taken i.n respect of same.IA recotdedVoLe was lequested.T'he Clclr'k Tecor'ded the votcas follows;Repliontl Councj, l.lor McLean - YeaCounci .l lor Roge rs * YeaCourrcillor $hepherd * YeaCounciflor W[nch- Ye aCouncil.l.or BurrowsCounci 11or LyonsCoun cjllor O' GradyCounciJlor firtroclrtturMayor l)ales* Nay- N ay- Nay- Nay- NayYe a - 4Nay - 5Defeated.It was noted that the currcnt position of Council isa direction giv

3Councilc-82-OBMinutes-3- 1982 04 22.t.Moved by CouncilforSmockumSeconded by CoturcillorLyons.TIIAT $12,OOO.OO be alfocatt:d in the 1982 CapitalBudget and ttrat approval t)e granted to proceed withthe proposcrl stage otre; ptojr-.ct of the renclvations tothe Vi.rginja Contntunity Hall ancl that the balance ofthe $l2,OOO.OO al.focation nol- used in stflge one Lreal.located j.n 1982, to additionaf stages of therenovations to the IIall.CarriedUnanimousrJ.y. . . .2.Moved by Council.lorWInchSc'conded by CouncilforRogersrTIIAT the Firc Fightjng Agreernent wjth Brock Townshipbe revisecl to irrclude a retainer fee of $2,OOO.OO.Also, that the followins lat'es be aecepted for theI'ire li'ighting Agreemer:t between the'I'ownship of Gcor$Ii.naanrl llrock 'l'ownship,and hetrveen thc Townshlp of Georginaand Uxbridge'l'ownship.Puntpe rTankerVan$2OO.OO per hour ol part$?OO.OO per hour or part$lOO.OO per hour or partthereof;thereof;thereof;Carried.3.Moved by CouncillorWinchSec.onded by CouxciflqrRogersTHAT the Council of the Township of Georgina does notgrant perlnjs$ion to LeBrun (lonstuctors Lirnited toconst"uct in tinres set out as restricted times ln theNoise Control. By*Law.TIIA'I' the Council of the Townshi.p of Georgina rvilf notpermit Lake Drive Noltlr to be close:d north of ClarJynI)r'ive for any Longer than is necr--srsary to con*qtruct theWater Trt=atnent Plant Intalqe withj.n tlre actual roadafl.owance.Carrj.ed.*l

2Councilc*<strong>82</strong>-O8<strong>lt</strong>'linut:es-2- 19<strong>82</strong> 04 22.5. BUETNESS4BTST!!GrnOMMI{UTS$:a) Councillor: Shephercl regarding page 13, If,sm ]2,(b) papcr Ii.ttering, asked if anythjng hadbetln dont',,to thjs m.rtter.The Chief Admi.nistrirtive Officer was instlucted toinvestjgate this problem and infor'tn the Councillorof lr is fj.ndiugs .b) Regional CourrciJlor Mclean with regard to pagc. 13,Item 12 (a) asked that Councillor Burrorvs sulr$tanLiatehis statement or make an apology to Councif at thistime.Moved try Regional Councillor l{cl,eanSeconded by Counci)JorShepherd.lIIA'l' Council re-affirm the statemcnL as amendod,as followst rror present an apology to Councj.J. as awlrofe j f same call not be substantiated" , j,n theCouncil lUinuters of April Bth, item12 (a), andthat action be taken i.n respect of same.IA recotdedVoLe was lequested.T'he Clclr'k Tecor'ded the votcas follows;Repliontl Councj, l.lor McLean - YeaCounci .l lor Roge rs * YeaCourrcillor $hepherd * YeaCounciflor W[nch- Ye aCouncil.l.or BurrowsCounci 11or LyonsCoun cjllor O' GradyCounciJlor firtroclrtturMayor l)ales* Nay- N ay- Nay- Nay- NayYe a - 4Nay - 5Defeated.It was noted that the currcnt position of Council isa direction giv

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