sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ... sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...


1 1Councilc-82-o9Mlnutes-11-1982 05 13.10. BY-LAI{S ( ConEd .Counc i, llorCouncillorRogersLyonsTHAT By*Law No. 82-70(COU-1)being a lly-Law to Appoint a Courtof Revision for the Hurner LaneSanicary Sewer: I)roject pursunntto the Local Improvement Act, read a first , secotrd andthir

c-82*CaTHE CORPORA'IION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF GEORGINAIN THEREGIONAI, MUNICIPAI,ITY OF YORKCOUNC]L MINI.I'TES1982 04 227.30 p.m.Tl're Council of ttre Township of Geo,:ginir met in theCouncil Chambers of the Georgitra Civic Cenlre, R.R. +12,Keswick, Ontario,The I'layor callecl the meeting t-o orderat 7.35 p.m.1. $q$Ig-,+I-!1!!.Jl4IM1,^ nolaent of nreditatlon was observed by Courrcil l4ernbcrrs'2 , tr-.1r-1, cALl, :The Clerhreportedprescnt,that all. mentller:s of Cottncil were3. CONFI,ICT DISCLOSURES :There hrere ilone'4, MI,NI]T}IS OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS:a) Flinutes of the Council meeting of April Bth'1982.Moved by Councillort'li.nchSeconded by Councillor O ' GradY .THAT the Minutes of the Council nteeting of April-Bttr, 1982, be adopted wi.rh the followitrli antendmentlTHAT on pag,e 13, item 1?- (a) the followi-ng wortls; beadded to the end of the fi-r:st parag,r:aptr:t'orflresent an apology to Counci.l as a whole i.f sameefln not be substantiated.*QCarried2.,.,..

c-<strong>82</strong>*CaTHE CORPORA'IION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF GEORGINAIN THEREGIONAI, MUNICIPAI,ITY OF YORKCOUNC]L MINI.I'TES19<strong>82</strong> 04 227.30 p.m.Tl're Council of ttre Township of Geo,:ginir met in theCouncil Chambers of the Georgitra Civic Cenlre, R.R. +12,Keswick, Ontario,The I'layor callecl the meeting t-o orderat 7.35 p.m.1. $q$Ig-,+I-!1!!.Jl4IM1,^ nolaent of nreditatlon was observed by Courrcil l4ernbcrrs'2 , tr-.1r-1, cALl, :The Clerhreportedpre<strong>sc</strong>nt,that all. mentller:s of Cottncil were3. CONFI,ICT DISCLOSURES :There hrere ilone'4, MI,NI]T}IS OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS:a) Flinutes of the Council meeting of April Bth'19<strong>82</strong>.Moved by Councillort'li.nchSeconded by Councillor O ' GradY .THAT the Minutes of the Council nteeting of April-Bttr, 19<strong>82</strong>, be adopted wi.rh the followitrli antendmentlTHAT on pag,e 13, item 1?- (a) the followi-ng wortls; beadded to the end of the fi-r:st parag,r:aptr:t'orflresent an apology to Counci.l as a whole i.f sameefln not be substantiated.*QCarried2.,.,..

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