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sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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9Council Minutes -9-c-<strong>82</strong>-O919<strong>82</strong> 05 1310. BY-LAWS:l,Reg-Counci LIor McleanCouncillor ShepherdBY-I,AW NO. <strong>82</strong>-65(LO-l)Reg-Counclllor: McLeanCouncillor ShepherdBY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-66(PL-l)Reg-Councillor McleanCouncil.l.or: ShepherdBY-LAW No. <strong>82</strong>-67(RE-z)THAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-65(Lo-l)betng a lly-Law to lmpose a Specialrate on,cerlain properties withinthe Munrlcipal.ity for GarbageCollection Services , I be now reada fir:st-, second and ttrjrd tirnes,passed aird rrumbered py the Maybrand Cl.erk.ICarried .1.. . .Passed, si.gned and <strong>sc</strong>aled by theMayor and Clerk.iTHAT By-I,aw No. <strong>82</strong>-66(PL-l)being, a By-Law to amefld By-Law No.9O3, whichdeems part of aRegistered Plan of Subdj.vi sionnot to be a Registered 1'1;rn ofStrbdivision for the pur:poses ofSection 29 of The Plannirrg, Act,be now read a flrst, second andthird times, passed and numberedby the Mayor and Cl,erk.PassedMayorCarried,, signed and sealed by fheand Clerk.THAT By*Law No. <strong>82</strong>-67(RE-2) beinga By-Law to amend By=Law No.79-?39(RE-Z) being a By-l-aw toprovlde for the Use, Regulation,protection and Government ofFublic Parks under the Authoritvof fhe Township fo Ceorgina, benow read a first, second and thirdtimes, passed and n'umber:ed by theMayor arrd the CI.erk,.. Carried ..,...Passed, sig,ned and rsealed by theMayor and Clerk. ii 10. . .I+ ti;l<strong>lt</strong>

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