sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ... sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...


7Counci 1 Minutesc-82-09-7* 1982 05 13.9 . COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS, ( Contd. . . )The Clerk recorded the vote as follows:Regional Counclll.or Mclearr - YeaCotrncillor Burrows - YeaCotrncillor Lyons - Yea.Councll.lor Rogers - YeaCouncillor Shepherd - YeaCouncillor Smockum - YeaMayor Dales- YeaCouncillor Wtnch - NavYea -Nay -ICarrled.d) REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF RECREATION AND PARKS:Concession Boothl.,ease.Attached is Report No. 82*O7Moved by Counclll.orShepherdSeconded by CouncillorLyonsTHAT l-he Mayor: and Clerk be authorized to thenccessary documents to enEer into a Lease Agreernerlfwith Mr. R.J, Bebbington,Jacksonr s Point, Ontario toLease the Oasis Snack Bar, (Jacksonts Point) for a periodof one year.A recorded vofe was requested.''fecordedThe Clerkthe vote asfollows :Reglonal Councillor MclsanCouncillor LyonsCouncillor Rog,ersCouncillor SheptrerdCouncillor SmockumCouncill.or WinchMayor: Dales- Yea- Yea- Yea- Yea- Yea- Yea- YeaCouncillorBurrows- NayYea * 7Nay - 1^ (lCarrled.8.....[.irI

BCouncilc-82-O9Minute$-8-1982 05 13.9. COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS ( Corrtd .E) REPORI]OFTHEENGINEERINGASSISTANTIRe: Lot l"lo, Registered 472, Joyce Boulevardand Irving Drivc Encroachment By-l.,aw and Agf,eement;AfEached is Report No. EA-82*O5Moved by CounclllorShePherdSeconded by CouncillorRogers1. An.Encroachment By-Law be passed allor^ring thcEncroachment of an existing, well onto JoyceBoulevard'2. A By*Law be passed authorizing the Mayor and theClerk to execute an blncroachment Agreement betweenAlvin and Betty Patterson and fhe Township ofGeorg,lna.3. Mr. and Mrs. PattErson be required to supply anacceptable legal survey prior: to the executionof the Encroachment Agreement by the Mayor arrdf,he Clerk.Carr:iedAt this time thefol.lowirrg, By-Laws were int.roduced;CounciJ.l-orCounclll.orSmockumRogersTHAT By-Law No. 82-63(PUT-I) beinga By-Law to allow Alvi.n CoranPatterson arrd Betty Jean Patter-sonto rnalntain a well pflrEly $ituate ona Highway being .Ioyce Boulevard in theTownship of Georginao be now reada first, second and rhird times,passed and trumbered hy the Mayor andt-he Clerk.Catriei:lBY-LAW NO. 82-63(PUT-I )Passed, signed and sealed by theMavor and the Cletk,CouncillorCounclllorSmockumRogersTHAT By*Law No. 82-64(PUT-I) beinga By*Law to authori2s the Mayor andthe Clerk to execute an Etrcr:oachmentAgreemenE between Alvin CoranPatterson and BeEtv Jean Pattersonand the township of Georgina, be nowread a flrst, second and thtrd times,passed and numbered by the Mayor andthe Cl.erk.*lBY*i,AW NO. 82*64(PUT*I)Passed, slgned and sealed try theMayor and the Clerk.Carried....9. .

BCouncilc-<strong>82</strong>-O9Minute$-8-19<strong>82</strong> 05 13.9. COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS ( Corrtd .E) REPORI]OFTHEENGINEERINGASSISTANTIRe: Lot l"lo, Registered 472, Joyce Boulevardand Irving Drivc Encroachment By-l.,aw and Agf,eement;AfEached is Report No. EA-<strong>82</strong>*O5Moved by CounclllorShePherdSeconded by CouncillorRogers1. An.Encroachment By-Law be passed allor^ring thcEncroachment of an existing, well onto JoyceBoulevard'2. A By*Law be passed authorizing the Mayor and theClerk to execute an blncroachment Agreement betweenAlvin and Betty Patterson and fhe Township ofGeorg,lna.3. Mr. and Mrs. PattErson be required to supply anacceptable legal survey prior: to the executionof the Encroachment Agreement by the Mayor arrdf,he Clerk.Carr:iedAt this time thefol.lowirrg, By-Laws were int.roduced;CounciJ.l-orCounclll.orSmockumRogersTHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-63(PUT-I) beinga By-Law to allow Alvi.n CoranPatterson arrd Betty Jean Patter-sonto rnalntain a well pflrEly $ituate ona Highway being .Ioyce Boulevard in theTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong>o be now reada first, second and rhird times,passed and trumbered hy the Mayor andt-he Clerk.Catriei:lBY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-63(PUT-I )Passed, signed and sealed by theMavor and the Cletk,CouncillorCounclllorSmockumRogersTHAT By*Law No. <strong>82</strong>-64(PUT-I) beinga By*Law to authori2s the Mayor andthe Clerk to execute an Etrcr:oachmentAgreemenE between Alvin CoranPatterson and BeEtv Jean Pattersonand the township of <strong>Georgina</strong>, be nowread a flrst, second and thtrd times,passed and numbered by the Mayor andthe Cl.erk.*lBY*i,AW NO. <strong>82</strong>*64(PUT*I)Passed, slgned and sealed try theMayor and the Clerk.Carried....9. .

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