sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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7Counci 1 Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-09-7* 19<strong>82</strong> 05 13.9 . COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS, ( Contd. . . )The Clerk recorded the vote as follows:Regional Counclll.or Mclearr - YeaCotrncillor Burrows - YeaCotrncillor Lyons - Yea.Councll.lor Rogers - YeaCouncillor Shepherd - YeaCouncillor Smockum - YeaMayor Dales- YeaCouncillor Wtnch - NavYea -Nay -ICarrled.d) REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OF RECREATION AND PARKS:Concession Boothl.,ease.Attached is Report No. <strong>82</strong>*O7Moved by Counclll.orShepherdSeconded by CouncillorLyonsTHAT l-he Mayor: and Clerk be authorized to si.gn thenccessary documents to enEer into a Lease Agreernerlfwith Mr. R.J, Bebbington,Jacksonr s Point, Ontario toLease the Oasis Snack Bar, (Jacksonts Point) for a periodof one year.A recorded vofe was requested.''fecordedThe Clerkthe vote asfollows :Reglonal Councillor MclsanCouncillor LyonsCouncillor Rog,ersCouncillor SheptrerdCouncillor SmockumCouncill.or WinchMayor: Dales- Yea- Yea- Yea- Yea- Yea- Yea- YeaCouncillorBurrows- NayYea * 7Nay - 1^ (lCarrled.8.....[.irI

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