sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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5tCouncil MlnuEes-5-c*<strong>82</strong>-O99. COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS (Contd.19<strong>82</strong> 05 132 ',tAn Agr:eemenL between the owners of Papa Luig,i'sRestaurant, The liank of Nova Scotia and theMuni,cipality, to Provide satisfacfory off-streetparking on the old Lauria propert-y, such agr:eeflentto be made prior to the Mlnor Variarrce merrti.oned in1 ) above .IjiI3 )THAT the appllcatiorr for rezoning, submitted byLernbic Kova, ancl K. Meipoom and K' Vasila, Trustee,belng an applicati-on to rezone lancls de<strong>sc</strong>ribed asPart of t-ot-Zt, Concession 1 (G), and Lots 62, 67 and68, PIan 178 (G) to HamleE Residenti,al (HR)be approved subject to:(1) The amending By-Law providing for: a minimum 1otfrontage and area of 25metres (<strong>82</strong>) feet andLr47O Equare metres (l-5,817 squar-e feet)respective) y , and(2) Payment of all outsEanding taxes.l,4)THAT the written proposals ptrt forward by concernedci.ti.zens for the esl-ablishment and operaEion of aRecr:eatlon Advisory Board, be defer:red to Pttbli-cAffairs Policy Contmit,tee meeEing to be held onThursday, May ZOth, at I P.m.5) l. THAT a By-Law be passed to impose a special raEeon all i.mproved properties within. the Township ofGeorglna ior refuse collection in accordance wich thefollowing <strong>sc</strong>hedul.e :ResidenEial units - fi27.O0 per yearCommercial tln<strong>lt</strong>s $49.50 per year and2. THAT all commercial. rea<strong>lt</strong>y units in the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong> with a business assessment of less than$2rO0O be charged at the resldential rather than thecommercial raf,e.6. WIIEREAS fhe Council of the Corporation of theTownship of <strong>Georgina</strong> deems it ln the best inter:estof its residenls to further update its assessmentbase to 198O market value on all. classes of Propertywithirt the Mun icipal.ity ;AND WHEREAS the Council ls deslrous to examine andconslder a Prellmlnary Study and a Tax Impact Studyto be prepared by thc Reg,ional Assessment Offi.cei.ndicating such effects;NOW THEREFORFJ BE 1T RESOLVED THAT TITE COUNC11 Of :-thcCorporatlon of the Townslrip of <strong>Georgina</strong>, as a preludeto making a formal appl.ication to itnplemenc Section'63 (3) o'i The Assessmtnt Act, R.S.O.-I98O, Chapter 3l(former:ly Section 86 of The Assessment Acc' R.S.O.197Q Chapter 32), pettfion the Minister of Revenueto direct the Provi.ncial Regional AssessmenLContmissi.onerforthwtEh to conducc a Prelimlnary Study atrcl a 'faxImpact Study to provicle a more accurate predicti.on as tothe net advantagc tlf such Re-Assessmenf.6.

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