sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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4CounclI Minuf,e<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-0919<strong>82</strong> 05 13.7 . COMMUNICATIONS (Contd. . ' ' )c) I)orrglas l'trewson, Assistant. Regional Director -Advisory Services , Staclstics Canada hasforward-ed a coPy of Ehe final' Census popr:Iationcounts for 1981' for the Municipal<strong>lt</strong>ies withln tt'reRegion of York.This was received for irrformation.d) Soutlr Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority,Conservation and Cornmunity Relations Advisory BoafdMinutes pf the MeeEing hel.d on May 7th, 19<strong>82</strong>.Thls was recelved for informaEion.e) Lettcr of thanks to Mayor Da1es and Members ofCouncil from Lhe Regional Chairman, Bob Forhan formaklrrg the facilities of the Civic Centr:e availablefor E[ie Regional Bus Tour on April 23rd' 198?.This was received for information.If) Letter to Mayor Dales and Members of Council' fromthe Parents Advisory Commirtee of the SuttonDistrict High School advising that they ate concernedabout the lack of puni.shment drug offenders arerecelving befor:e the Cour:ts, and they have attacheda coFy of the letter they have sef<strong>lt</strong> Eo the HorrotrrableRoy HcMurtrY in this regard.This vras deferrecl to che next CommitEee of the Wfrolemeeting,.8. TETIII.OIi!-:a) Councillor ShePherdDriveway 'Culverts onpresented a petition regatdingPeEe I s Lane.This was referred to the nexE Comm<strong>lt</strong>tee of the Wholeneeting for a rePorts from the Townshlp Engineer:.9. COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS:Moved by CouncillorRog,ersSeconded by Regional, Councillor-4-Mclean--|1. THAT Ehe appllcation strbmitted by Rog,er'' and -MargareE Joyce, beilg an application to amendDeeming By-Law No. 903, as it affects LoE 9r-andPart of lbt fo, PIan 179 and Lot <strong>18</strong>, Plan <strong>18</strong>7' beapproved.2, THAT Council approries of t:he ptoposed addition toPapa Luigi's Reitaurant, located on Iarrds de<strong>sc</strong>ribedas Lot t, B).ock 73, PIan 69 (S) subject to:1) An approved Minor Varlance Eo recog,nlze those,-non-conformities created with By-Law Ntrmber 911,and5.....

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