sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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5Councll MinuEe<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-O9-3-198? 05 13.CouncllIor WinchCouncillor Smochr.tmBY-LAW NO. 91r-<strong>82</strong>-17r(PL-5)Reg-Councillor McleanCouncillor LyonsTIIAT By-l,aw No. 9II-<strong>82</strong>-171(PL*5)being a By-Law to arnend By-Law No.9ll, being a By-Law to reg,ulate theuse- of lands and the character ,locatiorr and use of buildinf;,$:randstructuf,es within the Townshitr of<strong>Georgina</strong>, be Dow read a flrst,second and thircl times, passed andnumbered by the Mayori and Clerk.( R . Kydd )Carried.... .1.Passed, signecl and seafed'byMayor and the Clerk. iIthe!THAT By-Law No. 911-<strong>82</strong>i-172(PL-5)being a By-Law to amend By-Law No.911, being a By-l,aw to tegulaEe theuse of lands and the character,locatlon and use of buildings andstrucfures within the Townshio of<strong>Georgina</strong>, be now read a first,second and tl'rird times, passed andnumbered by the Mayor and Clerk.(A. Kaushal )JBY-LAW NO. 911-<strong>82</strong>-172(PL-5 )Carrled Unani.mousli, rvith theexceDtion of the Conflict of InEerestdecl-ired by Councillor Rogers.Passed, si6Sned and sealed by theMavor and the Clerk. I7 . COMMUNICATIONS Ia) Souf,h Lake SlmcoeCommif,Eee MinutesL98? .Conservation Auchority Executi.veof the meetsing held on April , 27th,I'This vas received for lnformation.ljb) Councillor Larry Taylor, Qicy df Mississauga advisingthat the 7th Annual Central East Regional Games for thePhysically Disabled will be held on May 29th and 3othln- the City of MississauBa, and that ariy flnancial 'contrihtrtlonEhat Councll may wlsh to rnake would be greatlyappreclated.IMoved by Regional Councillor McleanSeconded by CouncillorRogersTHAT Ehe Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> donaEe rhe sum of S1OO.OOto f,he Mlssi.ssauga Games for Ehe Physically Disabled(CenEraI Easf, Regtonal), to be held on May 29th and 3Oth,19<strong>82</strong>, providing ehac the Games are nor funded by United Way.Carrled.Mr. N. Smyth Eo inquire 1f anyor-re from <strong>Georgina</strong>Township will be enEered into the atrove menlioned Games.4. . . . .,kt

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