sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ... sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...


Councll Minute$c-82-10-11-1982 05 27.I 41liThere was not,hlng. EoMeeting.reporEfrom the Caucus13, OTHEIi BLISINESSTa) Counciltor l{inch requcsted tlrat the Chief:Admlnistrati-ve Officer lnvcstigate wlth the relevarllAgenciesthe possibili.ty of havlng f,rees pl.ant.ed on thecorner areas of road int.ersections e.g. the corner and Baseline Road, and the afea south of ISurEon and ltighway No. 48.14. BY-LA\^I TO CON-FIRM PROCEEDTNCS:Courrci.llor Smockumcouncillor WlnchITHAT By-Law No. 82-76(COU*z) beinga By-Law to Corrfirm Qtre proceedin[sof Council at its heldon May ?7th, 1982, be now reacl afirst, second and third timcs,passed and r-rumbered by the Mayor:and the Cl-erlr.Carried.IjBY-LAW NO. 82-76(COU-z) Passed, si.gnecl andMavor and Clerk.sealed:by the*'On Motion,MeeEing Adjournedat 11.19 p.m.E!t*J*-}8,/,//r t . y' jfi 11. t,rE , {_il,

sc-82-10.THE CORPORATION OF THE TOI,JNSIIIP OFGEORGINAIN THEREG1ONAL MIJNICIPALITY OF YORKSPI]CIAL COUNCIL I'lINUTES1982 05 205.42p.m.A Special Fteeti.rrg of Council. of the Township ofGeorgina wss held in the Council Chambers of the Gcor:p.lnaCivid CerrLre, Keswick, Ontari-o; immedlately tlreCorflmjttee oftt"ie Whole meeging by rcsrllutidnof the memberspresenr to ratify the following, resolutlorrs that had resul.iledftom the Comnitlee of the Whole meet:ing.tTtre Chairman called the meetii'rg lo order at 5.aZ p.*.Council members were all present with the excepEion ofCouncillor Burrows.1 . !!cr Io\s :.Moved by Gouncill.orO'GradYSeconded by Council.lorRogers.fitAT WFIEREAS the Ministry of municipal Affair-.s and Hor.rsirrg,has estal-.llished a Program entitl,ed'rErtet:gY Conservati.onthroughLarrd-Use Pl,anning Grarrtsil deslEneci to encoul"aiEeOntari.o Municipali.fies to re-examine their l.,and Use PlFrrlningstarrclards and practices in otder to ensute l-he most efficientuse of energy resource$ in tlte llunicipality, andWHEREAS {-he said Minlsrry will pr:ovidc a grant of 75% ofthe cost' of rhe study with the remal-ning, 25% of thestudy cost fo be assumed by t.he lownship of Georgina inthe form of staff time contributj.on, andI^]HEREA$ rhe Council of the Township of Georgi-na ls. cognizant of the increasing cost of energy and ehe benefitsof-finerg,y Conservati-orr Land Llee ptranning as a mearts erlergy consumpfli.on and thercfore encrgy cosL].rcdtrctions to the residents of ti're Townslrip of Gcor:gina,'IHLiREFORBIIE ITRIISOLVIID that Couniil adopt: the Eerms ofreferencc as amended for the Georgina Energy Conservati"onPL,anrrlng Study and authorize Pel,crr Barnard As$ociates l-ounder:take the said study in accordance with the salcl Ler:il$of refer:errce, sub.JecE to fhe Mirrister of Mtrniclpal Affai-r-siand Hor.rsing providing a g,rant to fund 75% of thecost of [he said studv.A recordcd yofe wa$ r:equested.2.,...iit,l:iI ti1,ii

Councll Minute$c-<strong>82</strong>-10-11-19<strong>82</strong> 05 27.I 41liThere was not,hlng. EoMeeting.reporEfrom the Caucus13, OTHEIi BLISINESSTa) Counci<strong>lt</strong>or l{inch requcsted tlrat the Chief:Admlnistrati-ve Officer lnvcstigate w<strong>lt</strong>h the relevarllAgenciesthe possibili.ty of havlng f,rees pl.ant.ed on thecorner areas of road int.ersections e.g. the corner and Baseline Road, and the afea south of ISurEon and <strong>lt</strong>ighway No. 48.14. BY-LA\^I TO CON-FIRM PROCEEDTNCS:Courrci.llor Smockumcouncillor WlnchITHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-76(COU*z) beinga By-Law to Corrfirm Qtre proceedin[sof Council at its heldon May ?7th, 19<strong>82</strong>, be now reacl afirst, second and third timcs,passed and r-rumbered by the Mayor:and the Cl-erlr.Carried.IjBY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-76(COU-z) Passed, si.gnecl andMavor and Clerk.sealed:by the*'On Motion,MeeEing Adjournedat 11.19 p.m.E!t*J*-}8,/,//r t . y' jfi 11. t,rE , {_il,

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