sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ... sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...


Council. Minutesc*82-t.o-7-1982 05 27.I 09. COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS. (Contd.THAT Township regtrl.atory By-Laws be enforcedstrictly to control dogs running loose on beachesandlnEheparks.\iTHAT, srnsagency phone nnmbers be posted in alt,Township parks and beach@s.iTHAT lifeg,uards no! be provided on Townshi.p hpaclresand parksCarried.3. Moved by Regional Councillor McleanSeconded by CouncillorRogers.THAT a By-Law be passed to arrEhorize the Mayor: and theCl.erk to execute a release respect.i_ng the SubdivisionAgreement dated Decernber 16th, 1974, between RobertDraper and the Towr'rshi-p of Georgina, as it pertains toPart 7 and 14, on Deposited PIan 65R-2553.Carried.tCouncil.J.or O'Grady declaredInEerest with refereflce totake parc in any discussionMoved by CouncLllorRogersa posslble confltclf oflhe above item, and did notand did not vote.ISeconded by Councillorl.linch.1.2,THAT the present Municlpaltty po1-tcy wlrich requi.r:esproperEyowners to purchase their: driveway culVerts attheir expense, remaj.n in effect.ITHAT a By-Law be passed to authorize the Mayorland theClerk to execute the QuotaEion for the suppiy of fuelsas submi.rred by Bp oil limired dared Aprii-t5rh, l9gz.THAT as a conditlon of acceptance of the euoLafionrEhat ItP Oil Ltmited install a 5OO Gall.on tank wirtr'anel'ectric pump at the De La Salle Canrl:l and supply gasolineat the prices contalned in the quotation reflirtd-toabove.*t3.THAT the tender submltted by Brouwer Turf Equipmentfor a Five (5) Gang Reel Mower, equipped wtfh itydraulicLift, be-accepted, and approved by Cbirncil, in the net,amount of $91292.69Carrled8

flI ICouncllc-82*roMinutes-8-198? 05 27i9. COMMITTEE ANI)OTHER REPORTS ( Contdb) REPORT OF THE ROADS AND TRAFFIC SUPIIRINTENDIINT;Middle Street (Sutton) Parking RestrlctionsAttached is Reporr No. RTS-82-11.Moved by CounctllorRogersSecondecl by Counctllor l,yons.II. THAT a By-l,aw be passed to amcnd The Unifo'i:mTraffic By-Law so that angle parktng be permittedon the north slde of Middle St-reet- from HighStreeE wesEerl,y 25metres;;2. A By-Law be passed to amend The Uniform TrafficBy-Law to resErict parking on che south sile ofMiddle Street from High Street-- westerly 100 metr:esat aI I tJ.mes.!Carrledc )REPORT OF THE CLERK ;Senlor Citizens Week - proclamatiorr I'Wea Lot to Share"IaI r naveAttached is Reporf TC8?-O9Moved by CouncillorRogersl:Seconded by CounclllorO'Grady.THAT the Mayor Proclaim f,he week of June zOEh -June 26th, 1982, inclusive, as Senior Citizenrsweek in the Township of Georg,i,na and ttris proclamationbe inserted in the local ne$Ispaper on the appropr:iatedate''Carri-ed... ..'.. ...]d) Fire Department Report for the l'lonth of April, 1982.;This was received for SUTTON DAM - Report.No. TE-82-19, of the TownshipEnglneer.This was received for information^l 9.

Council. Minute<strong>sc</strong>*<strong>82</strong>-t.o-7-19<strong>82</strong> 05 27.I 09. COMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS. (Contd.THAT Township regtrl.atory By-Laws be enforcedstrictly to control dogs running loose on beachesandlnEheparks.\iTHAT, srnsagency phone nnmbers be posted in a<strong>lt</strong>,Township parks and beach@s.iTHAT lifeg,uards no! be provided on Townshi.p hpaclresand parksCarried.3. Moved by Regional Councillor McleanSeconded by CouncillorRogers.THAT a By-Law be passed to arrEhorize the Mayor: and theCl.erk to execute a release respect.i_ng the SubdivisionAgreement dated Decernber 16th, 1974, between RobertDraper and the Towr'rshi-p of <strong>Georgina</strong>, as it pertains toPart 7 and 14, on Deposited PIan 65R-2553.Carried.tCouncil.J.or O'Grady declaredInEerest with refereflce totake parc in any di<strong>sc</strong>ussionMoved by CouncLllorRogersa posslble conf<strong>lt</strong>clf oflhe above item, and did notand did not vote.ISeconded by Councillorl.linch.1.2,THAT the present Municlpa<strong>lt</strong>ty po1-tcy wlrich requi.r:esproperEyowners to purchase their: driveway culVerts attheir expense, remaj.n in effect.ITHAT a By-Law be passed to authorize the Mayorland theClerk to execute the QuotaEion for the suppiy of fuelsas submi.rred by Bp oil limired dared Aprii-t5rh, l9gz.THAT as a conditlon of acceptance of the euoLafionrEhat ItP Oil Ltmited install a 5OO Gall.on tank wirtr'anel'ectric pump at the De La Salle Canrl:l and supply gasolineat the prices contalned in the quotation reflirtd-toabove.*t3.THAT the tender subm<strong>lt</strong>ted by Brouwer Turf Equipmentfor a Five (5) Gang Reel Mower, equipped wtfh itydraulicLift, be-accepted, and approved by Cbirncil, in the net,amount of $91292.69Carrled8

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