sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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iiiriIi'6Councl I. Mlnute<strong>sc</strong>*10-<strong>82</strong>-3- 19<strong>82</strong>0527.Moved by CouncillorSeconded by CouncillorSmockumWirrch,\THAT WI{EREAS Mid-Lake Investmcnts LlmiEed entered lnt-oan Agreemer'rc dated July <strong>18</strong>th, L979, wr'-th the Townshipof Georglna reg,arding road construction on Ri,ver Circleabutting, Lofs 43 and 44, R.P* 204;AND WHEREAS said AgreemenE was a condition precedent tothe approval of the Ontario Municipal. Board to sever parts2, 3 and 4 reference plan 65R*2497 from Par:t I of that Plan;AND W}{EREAS sald Ag,reement provi.des that in the event Chat theowners did not construct the subiect road before Seoternber15th, 1979, then the Murricipality may complete the works arthe expense of the owner;AND l,lllEREAS Mid-Lake lnvestrnents Li.mited did not wistr todevelop the severed lands ancl therefore has not constrtrctec<strong>lt</strong>he road IAND WHIIREAS Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4, PIan 65R-2497 are being,sold as one parcel and the purchaser does not intend todevelop the severed J-ands in the foreseeable .futtrre;NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that staff is dir:ected to:1. Preparc an amendment to the subject agreeftent to theeffect l-hat the owner will. construct the necessar-vroad at hlo own expense when appllcatlon ts made todevelop parts 2, 3 or.4 of Plan 65R-2497;2., Prepare an amendment to tlre By-Law wlrich:assurnes RiverDrive (now River clrcle) such that the westerlv<strong>lt</strong>m<strong>lt</strong> of the portion of River Drive which is a.sslrmecJas a public highway is the westerly limtt of River:drive which ls presently operred.Ca'rtiedCouncillor Rogers declared a posslblewith r:egard to the above item, and dldany di<strong>sc</strong>usslon and did not voEe.conflict of interestnot take part in6. DEPUTATT9NS:a) Mr. K. McCl'aEchie a represerrtative of KeswlckMlnor Hockcy addressed rnembers of Council ouLlining,the financlal costs involved in operating, the MinorHockey Assoclatlon, and requested "Counci.I.t<strong>sc</strong>onslderatlon of a grant to cover outstanding debts.Movcd by CouncillorSeconded by CounclllorSmockuRog,ers.TIIAT the Keswlck Minor Hockey requesE for a g,rantto cover outstanding debts be referred to a .jointmeeEi-ng of Publlc Affairs and Economtc Affalrs tobe held on June l7Eh, 19<strong>82</strong>, for: di<strong>sc</strong>ussion.* |lCarrled

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