sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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frI 5Couucll. Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-It-11- r9B2 06 IO.9. OTIIER BUSTNIi.SS (ConIcl. , . )Moved by CourrcillorRog,ersSeconded by CouncillorSmoc<strong>lt</strong>um.THAT Staff be directed to inclucle the proposal of the'Suttonand District Assocation for Ehe Mentall.y Retatdedregarding work experience in the Exper:ience <strong>82</strong> proposals.. A recorded vote was requested.Thc Clerkr:ccorded fhe vote as follows:Corrncil-lor Burrows * YeaCorlnci.llor Roger:s - YeaCouncillor Srnockum - YeaMayor: I)alc's* YeaReg-Councillor Mcl.earr * NayCounci.llor Lyons - NayCouncjll.or Shepherd - NayCouncillor Winch - NgV'Yea-4NaY - 4Motion1o.st..tc) Regi-onal Counclllor Mclean reported on the meeting onMcrnday 7th, Juner 19<strong>82</strong>, of. tl're lreffr:rlaw Br.r$inessmento di<strong>sc</strong>uss t-he Business fmprovemenE ar:ea in Pefferlaw,He sLated that l-4 busi"nesses were regist-ered ancl 7of these were i.rr attendance at the mceLiflg,d) Courrcillor Winchregarding Township par:lcs, inquir:cd asto why residents wishing t-.o rent the park, ar:e chirrg,ed arental fee,Thjs wirs rcferred to Publ.ic Af{.atr:s Folicy Committee for:di<strong>sc</strong>uss i-one) Councillor Wj.rrch inquired as to why the Hea<strong>lt</strong>h Unitcharge a fee for information given to fhe publi-c,, The Chicf Adminj st-rarive Officer was directecl tochcck this maLter.. .f) Councillor l{inch irrqulr:ed as to the status of the report onRaw Sewage .The Township Errgineer, stated that a r-eport will beavaila$le for rhe next CommiLtee of fhe tdhole mecti.ng.*<strong>lt</strong>2. . . . . .

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