sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ... sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...


Councllc-B?*IlMinuEes-9* 198? 06 r0,1 37 .RY-LAI^IS (Corrtd. . . .)Council-1or: Roger:sCouncillor SmoclrunrIIHAT By-Law No. 82-85(TA-l) beinga l3y-Law f,o adopt f.he e.stimares ofaIl sums required for Regional ,Education ancl Special Area purpo$es,durlng t-he year and co pr:ovide forthe l.evy and collection of suchrates or levies tn the Toh'nship ofGeorgina for ttre year 1982, be nowread a first, second and thi.rd ti,rnes,passed and numbered by thq Mayor andDeputy Clcrk.l:BY-LA\^] N0. 82-.85(TA-1)AI rhistirne, Counci.Ilor:A recordecl vote r,ras roo.ruJ**.1.iThe Clerhrecotcled the vote as follows:Couucillor Lyons * YeaCouncillor 0'Grady * YeaCouncilJor Rogers - YcaCouncil.lor Slrepherd - YeaCouncillor Srnockum - YeaMayor Dales* YeaReg-Councillor Mclean - NayCouncil.lor-. Br.rrrows - NavCouncillor Wlrrch - NavPassgd, signed and sealed by the l'{ayorand Deputy Clerk.o'Grady lefrYea -Nay -6Jthe meeting tfb.OS p.m.)8. OTIIER MOTIOI{S riWith the agrcem{:rlt of tlre membersMoti,ons were introduced:of Cour-rcil , thcfollor+ingReg*Counci 1. lor McleanCouncil.lor SnockumTHAII llltEREAS .ttre Township of Ceorgirrtl,the recreati.onal- area for: theReglon, is desir:ous of providi.ngsufficient lakefront proJrerty forgeneral acces$ to the public ;AND WI"IEREAS thc Ministrv of NaturaLResour-ces owns signlfi.cint lakcfr-orrrproperty in Ltre Morning Gl.ory Areawhi.chhad speciflc developmcnt plan$for the long termclevel.opnent of theEelands;THEREFORE, BII IT RESOLVAI)'ofrhafi rhe Mini.srryNatural Ri:sources be r:eqtrested toprovlde an updaEe to the Township ofGeorgina on their plans for l-his properfy,and that the Ministry consicler speedtng,up lhe

t4Counci l. I'lintttesc* 82- I l*10-I9B2 ()6 10.B.oTrllilrIroT'LON.s:Counci liorCourrcill.ot'LyonsIlogers'lllAT Counci llor Ken Smockum andRoird Superinte'ndent llotn Ilnre beauthori.aed to atlend thc. Roirds lrrtdTranspo::tation As:sociati.on Annual.Conferc:nce-' in IIalifax, Nova Scotia.Calried.lleg-Counciflor L{cl.,eanCounci 11or Slrephertl1TIAT l,layor Dal.eF, Regr'-onal Council-.lo:rlilcl,ean, Councillor lillnchandCouncillol Shepheld be nanted .as theVoting psf6rgates to thei AMO ConferenceAugust 22nd to August ?51:h, 1982, forthe Township of Georgitia.Carried,tReg-Counc.i11or: Ii{cl,eanCouncillor WinchTIIAT WHIIREAS by Ontario Statute, theSouth Lake Sinrcoe Conservati.onAuthority has only 6months to taltclefial action agninst 1nc{ividuals whoal tc'r natrrral wertercours{rs ,AND 1IIIEIIEAS this tine re$ Lri ctionresults irr many i.ns1;anees ofinfractiorrs going tinprosecutecl andunhanrlled;ANtl \l'IIEltllAS the detli.tnental effectsof al.terations of Natulal. Watercourses'often do nol" beco$e ir.FparcJnt untilafterth

Councllc-B?*IlMinuEes-9* 198? 06 r0,1 37 .RY-LAI^IS (Corrtd. . . .)Council-1or: Roger:sCouncillor SmoclrunrIIHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-85(TA-l) beinga l3y-Law f,o adopt f.he e.stimares ofaIl sums required for Regional ,Education ancl Special Area purpo$es,durlng t-he year and co pr:ovide forthe l.evy and collection of suchrates or levies tn the Toh'nship of<strong>Georgina</strong> for ttre year 19<strong>82</strong>, be nowread a first, second and thi.rd ti,rnes,passed and numbered by thq Mayor andDeputy Clcrk.l:BY-LA\^] N0. <strong>82</strong>-.85(TA-1)AI rhistirne, Counci.Ilor:A recordecl vote r,ras roo.ruJ**.1.iThe Clerhrecotcled the vote as follows:Couucillor Lyons * YeaCouncillor 0'Grady * YeaCouncilJor Rogers - YcaCouncil.lor Slrepherd - YeaCouncillor Srnockum - YeaMayor Dales* YeaReg-Councillor Mclean - NayCouncil.lor-. Br.rrrows - NavCouncillor Wlrrch - NavPassgd, signed and sealed by the l'{ayorand Deputy Clerk.o'Grady lefrYea -Nay -6Jthe meeting tfb.OS p.m.)8. OTIIER MOTIOI{S riWith the agrcem{:r<strong>lt</strong> of tlre membersMoti,ons were introduced:of Cour-rcil , thcfollor+ingReg*Counci 1. lor McleanCouncil.lor SnockumTHAII ll<strong>lt</strong>EREAS .ttre Township of Ceorgirrtl,the recreati.onal- area for: theReglon, is desir:ous of providi.ngsufficient lakefront proJrerty forgeneral acces$ to the public ;AND WI"IEREAS thc Ministrv of NaturaLResour-ces owns signlfi.cint lakcfr-orrrproperty in Ltre Morning Gl.ory Areawhi.chhad speciflc developmcnt plan$for the long termclevel.opnent of theEelands;THEREFORE, BII IT RESOLVAI)'ofrhafi rhe Mini.srryNatural Ri:sources be r:eqtrested toprovlde an updaEe to the Township of<strong>Georgina</strong> on their plans for l-his properfy,and that the Ministry consicler speedtng,up lhe

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