sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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1 0ClounciJ, I'linute;<strong>sc</strong>*<strong>82</strong>*11 ' *6- lF, <strong>82</strong> 06 lO.co\lllTLqAwlal{td.:.Jf) R]IPOIIT OIT T]UJ I]EPUTY CI,EIII(:i) Tile ljrain'dge Loans,Attachedis Heport No. DC*S?-O4.Moved by CouncillorSmockutnSe;conded by Councillor J,yons,THAT a Rating lly-I",arv.tre passed in the amount 'of$11r2OO.OO to meet the loan request as submittedhy Donald J. Rae. for 111u Dr:ainage purposes,Carried.B.EV-i,AEE;ICoun ci J-1or LyonsCouncil.lor $mockutnBY*LA!{ NO. 8?*6l(Pilr0-z)Reg-Councr.llor lfcl,eanCounciflor llo[tersTIIAT lly*Law No. <strong>82</strong>-61(PWCI*2) lrej,nga By-Larv to Rename South DrivcRegistered Flan No. 566,'Lo IIun{;IeyDrivc, be now read a thixd time,and fj.nal1y passr€d by the llayor andQepury. cl"tkc*""ied,. .Passed, signed and sealed hy theMayor and Deput-y Clerk ,TIIAT lly-Law' No. <strong>82</strong>-BO(LO-2) beinira l3y*Larv to .RepeqJ <strong>lt</strong>y*Law No. 7:]'/and amending By*L,aw No. TR-6O,being By-Laws requiring owncr$ o{buildilrgs to connect to the sewageworhs, be now rencl a first, ,secondarrcl tbird tim,:.'rt, prrssed and nunbert:rlby tire lr{riyor rrnrl DeDuEy Clerh ,Carried,BY*],AH NO, <strong>82</strong>-80tLO-2)Fassed, signed dnd sealed by theMa1lol andDePutY, Clerlc.*lCouncillorCourrci llorRogersSmockumTIIAf By-Law No. B?-Bl(r,O*2) bcringa Ey*Larv passed pursuant to thelrrovisionss of thtl lrilunicipal Act, torcquixe tl:e owners of build:inpgswithin the Community of He.srvick inthe Townsliip of <strong>Georgina</strong> to connc+stto ttre water and sewage wor.ks of theMunicipality ancl exernptirrg ownersof eertain classes of buil,tinfi,sfrorn the alrpl.ication o.f suchconnection requi.rcrneuts upon paymentof conrputed anlounts to the ,Mrrnictpali.ty, tro now read a filst,second arid thj rd ti,nes passed andnurnbr:red by the L4ayor andDcuut-.y Clerk.. A recordcd votc was requested:7, , . ,

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