sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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5Councilc-<strong>82</strong>-12Miitut(rs-I5-L9<strong>82</strong> 06 2413. OTHER BIISTNIISS' (Contd. - . )b)Courrcillor OtGrady reg,arding l<strong>lt</strong>rL Biking. intlestpark, stated t-lrat 'the Broup would l-i<strong>lt</strong>e tohave'a meetiDg to try and gef someLhirrg resolvedThis was referr:ed to a Public Affair:s Commit-teeMeetlng, date Lo be set.c )Regional Corrncillor Mclean r;egarding Policest<strong>lt</strong>istics, fe).I that tlre Tor.rnshi-p should requesta breakdown, so LhaL, the trcnds aL'e knowrr.Moved .byRegional CotrncllJor Mcl,eanSecondecl by Counci1.1.or: l,YonsTHAT the Po}ice Commissiorr be requested to pr:ovidethe Tlor,rnship of Ceorgina witha conti.iluation of rhecomplete statlstica i. Lrreakdown of uhe lypes of _crime and the numbets of occurrcrrces of both adu<strong>lt</strong>ancl juvenile offences itr <strong>Georgina</strong> Township asprovided in 1981, atrd ttre staListics corrtinuingro June 19<strong>82</strong>, r'-f possible..Ca:rriedl,d)Cotrncll}or Shenlrerd tabled a l-etf.er from thePeninsul,a MoteI in Pefferl-;rw, wi.th refererrce toadmissi-on charges at the Holmes Point Par:k'Thls was refer:red to the Director of Parlcs andRecreaLionc)Corrncl-11or: Rogers rcg,ar:ding an arLicle from ttreAssociation of Mrrrrici"paLities of OnEario re:ReEail Salers I'ax Inrpact on Murriclpal Govertrnterrt.The fottowingMoti.on was intr:oduced;Moved by CouncillorRogersSecondad by Counci"llorQrGtrtdy.TI{AT the CrtunciJ. of the Tounship of Georg5-na requcsl:the Treasur:er of Orrfario and the Minj.sfer of Economicsto reconsi.der thc Mi-ni.stry ' s decision to apply Pr(rvj.nci;rlSales Tax to such br.rdgetary it-ems as buil,di-ng maferials,steel, concreLa, 5iravel, asyrhall and so forttr toMurri.ci.pal CovernnrErrts, and reverse its pr:esent cor.rrse ofactionCar:ric:d-l16. ._.

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