sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ... sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...


ti9sfCouncil Minutesc-82-12-9-t9B2 06 24,ffl}jii9. COMMITI'TF:II AND OTtlllR REPORI]S (Contd6.Moved by CouncillorSeconded by COuncill.orLyonsRoger:s'THAT a By-Law be passed to arilend By-Law No.-89,such fhat a Portion of Rivcr Dr:ive, Plarr 204, nowRiver CJrcle, is assumed from Crescent Road to theeasterly limit of 2O4 arrd that- Ehe remaini.rigof River Drive i.s assurtred fr:om Hedge Eo Riler:Moved by Coutrcill.orRogersCarrledSecondecl by Regional Courrctl-lor Mcl,ean.THAT the Road Depar:rment be authorizeclapproximaEely:toPurChaseportionCircLe.:i;llil+ii.i:1iii:liilfI,;:i{^r,lT 'ii'lit1. l,1OO Tonnes of coars,e wintersalt2. I,OOO Tonnes of winter sandthr:or,ipih t,he Reg,ional Municipalityacceprted tender price for wirrter1982*1983 Winter season.of York at theiisancli.rrg theiCarrled7 .Moved, by CounclllorRogersSeconded by Counc-iIlor l.yons .1,' THA'I the Clerk of fhe Township'oll Georgina ttreOrrtari.o Murricipal Boar:d Ltrat Council has heard theobjectiorrs submitfed fo By-Law No. 91f-Bl"-153 ( PL--5 )and takeE tlrc posi.tion that the objecti.ons,do not meri,trepeallng the said.By-Law,.2, THAT Report P-B?-?5 which clet-aj.Is thc fluniclpality'spositjon to Ehe object-ions referrecl to in 1 above, beattached as ari appendix to tlre Afflclavil- of the Clerkto be forwarded Eo the Orrtarj.o Municipal BoardCarried.. .... . .. .lcMoved by Reglonal. Councillorl'lcleanSecorrde.d by Council.l.orO'Grady*lt. TI1AT Notice be sent to the property taxpayers listedon the aElacl'red list informing t,hem of flre. recommerrdationsnrade withregard to their appltcal-ion uflder Sectioir496 of The Muntcipal Act, and,}TLIAT a perlod of sixteen (16) days be allovred after themailirrg ofsuch notic€J durlr"ri3which the appllc.arrtmayappeal fhe r:ecommencla.tion of lhe AssessmcrnE Officc. andI O.

I 0Council. Minutesc-82-L?.*lo-]982 06 24ti9. g(Contd,...)3. THAT failtng an appeal, tiy the applicanf during thcperiod of notice the .atCached Tax r:emissl-on Ii'stof applicati.ons for adjustmenfs.of pr:oper!.y taxesfor the year I98l be wriEten off as urrbollecl-lblt:uncler Section 495 of The Flunici.pal AcrCarrledCouncillor Bttrrows declar:ed a possi.Lrle Conflict ofInterest regarding the above item and did not taltcparE in any discussiorr ancl did nol vol-e''.litI.Councillor Rogers declared a possible Conflj.ct oIInter:est regarding the above ifem and did not Lakepart in any discussion atrd di,d not vote'Moved by Councillor:LYonsSeconded by CouncillorRogersTI{AT the Mayor and Cl,erk of the Corpor:afion of theTownshi.p of Georgina be aut-hor:i.zed to sign the neccssnrydocumentation to er:rt-er inl-o a Lease AgrecmCnt. wil-htlreSuttofl & District Associ.ation for the Mentally Rctardedfor the Lease of the Elmgr:ove Conmunity Flall, Part ofLot15, Con. 7 (NG).CarriedIlO. Moved by Counci.ll.or l.YonsSeconded by Councll.lorShepherd.TI{AT the request; of Mr, Ka.j Davai fot all exeill)tlon fromtl-re provi.siorrs oI orrr Noi-se Control By-Law to doconslrucLional trork on his Dalton Road house on Sundaysand Statutory Holiclays as indicated in hj.s letter, bedenied! Moved by Councillor RogersSeconded bY CouncillorWinchI. THAT the Prohj-bitlon byTable 4-I of Bv-Law No.fotlows:Time and Place irs listed8Cl-313. be arnended asProhibitcd I'eri,od Area,on'l'inre*l4. The operation of any electronicdevice or g,roup of corrnecfedelectronic devices incor:poral-i.ngone or more loudspcelters of, ottrere loctro-mecharrical tratrsducer sand lnt-encled for Ehe pr:oduction,repr:oducti.ort or ampl. i.f i, catiorr ofsound.At all. tinres11

I 0Council. Minute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-L?.*lo-]9<strong>82</strong> 06 24ti9. g(Contd,...)3. THAT fai<strong>lt</strong>ng an appeal, tiy the applicanf during thcperiod of notice the .atCached Tax r:emissl-on Ii'stof applicati.ons for adjustmenfs.of pr:oper!.y taxesfor the year I98l be wriEten off as urrbollecl-lb<strong>lt</strong>:uncler Section 495 of The Flunici.pal AcrCarrledCouncillor Bttrrows declar:ed a possi.Lrle Conflict ofInterest regarding the above item and did not ta<strong>lt</strong>cparE in any di<strong>sc</strong>ussiorr ancl did nol vol-e''.litI.Councillor Rogers declared a possible Conflj.ct oIInter:est regarding the above ifem and did not Lakepart in any di<strong>sc</strong>ussion atrd di,d not vote'Moved by Councillor:LYonsSeconded by CouncillorRogersTI{AT the Mayor and Cl,erk of the Corpor:afion of theTownshi.p of <strong>Georgina</strong> be aut-hor:i.zed to sign the neccssnrydocumentation to er:rt-er inl-o a Lease AgrecmCnt. wil-htlreSuttofl & District Associ.ation for the Mentally Rctardedfor the Lease of the Elmgr:ove Conmunity Flall, Part ofLot15, Con. 7 (NG).CarriedIlO. Moved by Counci.ll.or l.YonsSeconded by Councll.lorShepherd.TI{AT the request; of Mr, Ka.j Davai fot all exeill)tlon fromtl-re provi.siorrs oI orrr Noi-se Control By-Law to doconslrucLional trork on his Da<strong>lt</strong>on Road house on Sundaysand Statutory Holiclays as indicated in hj.s letter, bedenied! Moved by Councillor RogersSeconded bY CouncillorWinchI. THAT the Prohj-bitlon byTable 4-I of Bv-Law No.fotlows:Time and Place irs listed8Cl-313. be arnended asProhibitcd I'eri,od Area,on'l'inre*l4. The operation of any electronicdevice or g,roup of corrnecfedelectronic devices incor:poral-i.ngone or more loudspce<strong>lt</strong>ers of, ottrere loctro-mecharrical tratrsducer sand lnt-encled for Ehe pr:oduction,repr:oducti.ort or ampl. i.f i, catiorr ofsound.At all. tinres11

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