sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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5Councllc-<strong>82</strong>-r2Mirrutes-5- 19<strong>82</strong> 06 24.7 . COMt'ItlNICATIONS Ia IThe Sutton and Dlstrlcc As,soclaEion for thcMentally Retarded l'trork Experi.ence proposal -This was dealr with under Irem6,Deptttatlons.b)Basil NoeIs, P. Eng', Gener:irl Manager:r*Soutlr LalceSimcoe Conservatlon Authority, indi-catinB that theAuthorif-y will. address a desig,n of a dam for- Suttonwith cosi: esl-Imates and also address sources of furrdsfor: dam replacement.This was received for informatl.on,c)Brian T. Peterkins, Super:vlsor of ConservationService, SouthLake Sincoe Conserval-ion AuthoriEy,indicatlng thaf- the Authority is unable to continueMunicipal cI ean-up services as Part of thettExperience<strong>82</strong>rr program this year:.Thls was rcceived for information'td)Copy of a l.etger to G . S . G'raharn , C1.erk-Admini s f,ra torofi.tre Township of Brock fr:om David Peterson, Leader ofthe Opposition aeknowledging rccei.Pt- of thelr endor-semetrfof thb-r:esolution of the Township of <strong>Georgina</strong> concerrring,Hi.ghwrry 89 and indicating that Lhc maLter has beert brotrglrttcl-the attention oll Eric Cunnlngham, MPP 'This was received for lnformalion,e)R. Vernon, C1erk, Reglonal MunicipalS-ty of Yorki.ndicating the Regional CouncJ-1. endor:sed ttre resol-uti.onof tlre Township of Geotgina concerning Hi.ghway 89.This was received for information.of l.ett-er frorn N. Ross SEevenson, MPPrf) Copy of the l.etl-er tron K, Koss SEevensonr Mrto-The Honourabl.e James Snow, l'llnister: of TheMi.nistry of llransportation and ComrnutricaLions urgi-ngttrat conslderation be given to proceed wifhthe easterlysection of llighwaY 89.This was received for lnforttratl-on.s)James Snow, Minister of Ministry of Trarrsportationarrd Commurrication advi.sing that a suppl-ementaryconstruction allocation of $28'OOO'00 has beenapproved for the Township of ['-eorg,ina.This was received for lnformatlon.th)Brendan Macl,tr61r, Sttlderrt Pl.acetlcnt 0fficer, Ne\+matket:,'fotCanada Employment Centre Studerrts, indicaEing thatthe Centre is now open frorn Monday to Fri-day of eachweekworking to assist students in thelr searchfor worl

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