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sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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3Counc<strong>lt</strong> Minute<strong>sc</strong>-8?-12-3- r9B2 06 246. IIEPUTATIONS (Contd,. .. )Moveh by CounclllorBurrowsSeconded' by Councillor Wlnchr rlTHAT Budget proposal #1 as sr.rbmitted by the SutEonAssociation for the Mentally Retarded, detailed as& Districtfollows :l,trork Wee<strong>lt</strong>: 3, 7 hour days for 9 weeks during tlreof July and August.ImonEhsSalaries:Supervisorbe approved , subjectthrough the OntarioS-Member Work CrewBenefitsTransporEatlon (gas &Mileage)$945.0O$3,1_<strong>18</strong>.50$ 406 . 35$260.j0$4,7?9.85-to fhe total funding being providedEmpl.oyment Irrcentjve Program.Lar<strong>lt</strong>eo .b) Roland Deglar-t, IOI High Street Sufforr, requesting per:missiolrto sell merchandi.se \,?ithln ttre public parlrsMr. Deglau stated that he wished tc' <strong>sc</strong>l,L truttons r+ithpicturesin tlrc park arttrs of the llownsh.ip, and thl.*; worrld jusf be forthe strmrner rnont.lrsMoved by Councill.orSeconded lry'CotrnclllorRogersBurrows,THAT Roland Dc1il.au tre granted permission pursuant toParks tsy-Law t:o sell merchandise as shown co Counci.lMuni.cipal Parks for tl're year 19<strong>82</strong>.ther,rithinre order- ofbusiness orr the Agerrda was changed co deal witl-r the folloruing iterns:CarrledTII!3.I-9I*IT]INI.WT_-P4RI(S:Attached is Report No. DR-<strong>82</strong>-11.Moved by Councillor Lyons'- !;a) Slmcoe Street Dock Reconstrucflon ProJect.Seconded by Reglonal Courrcillor Mcleani :TFIAT Ehe Terrder Contr-acf #P<strong>82</strong>-Ol*O1. for: the reconsl*rr.rctiorrof the Dock known as Jacl

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