sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ... sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...


c-82-',I2T]lE C0rtPOt{AllIoN oF T}lri 'llohlNsHIP oF CliOllGlNAIN TH}iREGIONAL MUNICIPAI-ITY OF YORKCOUNCII. MINTITE]S1982 06 247.30 p,m.The Council. of the Towns;hi.p of met lnCouncil Chermbcrs of t.tre Geor:girra Civic Cetttr-cr, ](.R. {i?;Keswi ck , On'i o ,theThe l4aytrr c.aIIed fhe meef'i.r1g t:cot-der a[ 7./+() p.m.MOMIiNT OIT }1EI)].TA'I'ION:A monent of rnecll-f.ation wos observedby Council- mcrrrllcr:s,Itl:!-!414--Thc 0leL:lt replr--t:ed ttrat al.l. nc:mbers of Co'.rncil wercpr:erient- Lhe gxcepLi.otr of Councillor. Sttrockunt.3 , pIUI.Iql.. llF_c1,or'_illF-!_ia) Cotrrrr:illor Rog,crs derclarcd n possible CorrflicL ofInter'est r:eg,ardi.rrg, Iteru 9 (a) (B) oJ. tl're Corrunl.l-teeof the l{trole recornnuutlatiorrs - Tax Slrite-ofl.s, anrldicl rrot: take par.L. in any cli.scussion and cli.d, not voLcj,b)Courrclllor: Burrews declared a posslble Confl.i.cL ofInt:eresr regardirrg Item9 (a) (8) Conunittee of t,het^lhoLe recc;rnnrenclatt'-onri - Tax l.ltite*offs and clid not:Lake part in any dj.lcussion and cli.d not vote.-tI'IINUTES OT PRF]VIOUS MEI]TII{{;$er) of Lhc Spec{al. fielct..iilg of Counc:i1 ofl June3r:d , ).982.l.'loved by 'ltegional.Couucri.,l.lor McleanSeconded by Cor,rrri:i1).Iloger:sllHAl' l-hr: Minutc.s of if,. Spec5.a1. of Corrrrcilof .Jurre 3rcl, 198?, lre ;rrlolrtecJ with ttrer folJ.ov;irrg. amentlnr.jnt :"Ii{All on Pag,e 1.r 1+th lirre after: tlrr vrcrrr.l I'Nleetirrg;rlt.lre fol.Iorv.i.n1.i ivorcls bar

,iCor.rncl1 Mirrutesc-82-12-2- 1982 06 24.2,iiiir{il!{ :II4. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS (Contd'. . )b) MinuEes of the Special Meeting, of Council ofJune 3 rd , r98?.I'loved byRegional Council.l,or McleanlI$ T',lSecondedby CounclllorWi-nchTHAT theof JuneMinrrtes of the Speclal Meeting,, of Council3rd, 1982, be adopted.Carried.... ..c) Mlnutes of the Regular Meeting of Council ofJurrelorh, 1.982.MoverJ by CounclllorSecondgd by CouncillorShepherdLyorrs ._TltA'I tlre Minutes of the Regr-rlar Meeti-ng, of Cotrncj.l.of June l0th, I98?, be aclvrpEedrCarried.titi!t 1ItI li$'1,t{i-fi5.BUSINESS ARISING FR.OM THH. MINUTES :a) Regional Counclllor' Mclean , r:egar:ding pag,e 9 ,.item8, Morning Glory atEa, sEated ttrat ttreMirristrv of Natural fel.t ther:e was ilotenough iake fr:onL to be clevelopedr and that theywould be replying to t-he Township resoluLionin ;the near fuEure.6.DEPUTAIIONS Ia) Representatives of the Sutton and Distri.ct-Association for ttre Mentally ReEarded, were inattendance at the nreeting, regarding theapplicat-ion of the A-ssociaticrn for a Bralrt toprovide work experiencc for 5 aclol.escents.lloved by CouncillorRogers$econded by Regi.onal CounclllorMcl,ean.,l;ill,li.lTHAf ttre followingMotiorl be, reconside::etl:-lTHAT staff be directed to lflclude the propclsal of EheSuEforr ancl Dls[rict Associalion for the Mencally' Retardcd r:egarding work experi.ence ln the lixperience82 proposals, as outllrred in Budget proposal lfl.Carriecl3. ..

,iCor.rncl1 Mirrute<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-12-2- 19<strong>82</strong> 06 24.2,iiiir{il!{ :II4. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS (Contd'. . )b) MinuEes of the Special Meeting, of Council ofJune 3 rd , r98?.I'loved byRegional Council.l,or McleanlI$ T',lSecondedby CounclllorWi-nchTHAT theof JuneMinrrtes of the Speclal Meeting,, of Council3rd, 19<strong>82</strong>, be adopted.Carried.... ..c) Mlnutes of the Regular Meeting of Council ofJurrelorh, 1.9<strong>82</strong>.MoverJ by CounclllorSecondgd by CouncillorShepherdLyorrs ._T<strong>lt</strong>A'I tlre Minutes of the Regr-rlar Meeti-ng, of Cotrncj.l.of June l0th, I98?, be aclvrpEedrCarried.titi!t 1ItI li$'1,t{i-fi5.BUSINESS ARISING FR.OM THH. MINUTES :a) Regional Counclllor' Mclean , r:egar:ding pag,e 9 ,.item8, Morning Glory atEa, sEated ttrat ttreMirristrv of Natural fel.t ther:e was ilotenough iake fr:onL to be clevelopedr and that theywould be replying to t-he Township resoluLionin ;the near fuEure.6.DEPUTAIIONS Ia) Representatives of the Sutton and Distri.ct-Association for ttre Mentally ReEarded, were inattendance at the nreeting, regarding theapplicat-ion of the A-ssociaticrn for a Bralrt toprovide work experiencc for 5 aclol.e<strong>sc</strong>ents.lloved by CouncillorRogers$econded by Regi.onal CounclllorMcl,ean.,l;ill,li.lTHAf ttre followingMotiorl be, reconside::etl:-lTHAT staff be directed to lflclude the propclsal of EheSuEforr ancl Dls[rict Associalion for the Mencally' Retardcd r:egarding work experi.ence ln the lixperience<strong>82</strong> proposals, as outllrred in Budget proposal lfl.Carriecl3. ..

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