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sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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iiil{ a\I }{rCouncil Mlnute<strong>sc</strong>*<strong>82</strong>-1311. I}Y-LAWS (Contd..*r8-19<strong>82</strong>07 2?" ,Rog*Counclllor McLeanCounclllor WinchTHAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>*97(LA-f)belng a By-Law to aul-horize theMayor and the DepuEy Clcrk toexecute a Qrri.t Clainr Deed befweenthe. Reg,ional Munici.pa<strong>lt</strong>ty of Yor<strong>lt</strong>and the Township of Georglna, benow read a fir<strong>sc</strong>, second andthtrd tirnes, passed and nurnberedby Che Mayor and Deputy Clerk.Carri.edBY-LAW NO, <strong>82</strong>-97(LA-I. )Passedl.slgned and seal.ed by theMayor and Deputy Clerk.Reg-Councillor McLeanCouncillor WinchTHAT By-law No. <strong>82</strong>-98(PWO-Z) beinga By*Law to dedicate cert-ain landsas betng a Public Highway andformlng part of Black Rivc,r Boad(YR8O), be now read a first, secondand third times, passed andnumbered by the Mayor and DeputyClerk.carrii.BY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>-98(PWO-z)Passed, signed and sealcd by theMayor and Deputy Clerk.Reg-Councll1or McLeanCouncillor WinchTHAT By-law'No. <strong>82</strong>-99(CON-I) beinga By-Law to.auEhorize Ehe Mayor andthe Cl-erk to execute an EasementAgreenent betweerr the Reg,i.onal-Iluni.cipal.ity of York and theTownshlp of <strong>Georgina</strong> be now reada first, second and thi.rd times,passed and numbered by the Mayorand Deputy Clerk . (Black River Road)Carr:ied.BY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>*99 ( CON-I )Pas<strong>sc</strong>d, slgned and seal.ed by theMayor and Deputy Clerk.Reg-Councll.lor McleanCounclllor l'linch'THAT By-Law No. <strong>82</strong>-1Oo(COW-fl belnga By-Law to authsrize the Mayor andClerk f,o execute an amendnent tothe Severance Agreement bet-weenEvelyrt Dorothy Ley arrd the Townshipof Georgirta, be now read a fi.rsl-,second and third tinres, passed andnumber"ed by. the Mayor and Deput,yClerkCartied.tBY-LAW NO. <strong>82</strong>*rO0(CON-I)Passed, sf"gnecl and sealed by theMalor and DetrxrHy Clerk.

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