sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ... sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...


1 3I 7Counci I Minutesc*82*13. COI4MUNICATION.{i (Contd. .. .)-r3* L982 07 22 .Moved by Counctllor:LyonsSecorrded by Courrcr'.l1or Smockum.1, The Council of the Township of Georginn endorsesResblutton EX-82-169 of tlrc Executive Commitl-eeof the Sout*h l,ake Simcoe Conservacion AuthoriEvdated July l3tlro 1982, reg,ar:ding the SuLton Dam.2. The Township of Ceorgina agrces ro be designatedas the benefitting Munlcipality and to pay theAuthoricy's share of the cosfs, esti-matecl to be$l.Or5OO.OO. for f,he r:ernoval of the SuEtonDam and bank st-abillaafion work;3. That sufflcient funds be ttansferted from the streetlight capi[al acceunt to pay the Townslriprs share ofthe costs,Carr:iedh)l{.M. Ploeger, Ministry of Treasury & Economicsresponclingi co Councilts concern reg,ar:ding ttreimplementatiorr of sa],es fax on formerly excmpEifems, advises that The Honourable !'rank,Treasurer of Ontarlo is aware of Ehe addltionalfinancial pressure on was received for lnfornation.8. PETITIONS:a) Councll.lorregardingThisl,yons prcsenEecl a petitionthe Sutton Dam.was received .Eo Counci.l9. GOMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS :b) REPORT OF THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OF}'ICER:LoEs 1.4 and 15, Clareclorr Beach.Attachedis Report l{o. CAO-82-1Q.Moved by CouncillorWinchSeconded by Councl).lorO'Grady.THAT Council authorlze Lhe purchase of Lots 1/+ ancl 15,Plan 3O5, from Lynx Devel.opment$ l-inrited at a purchaseprlcc of $ll.O'OOO.OO and thas thc Mayor and Cler:lc beauthor.'tzcd to execute thc necessary documente t-o effectthe sa id purchAse.A recorsled voEe was requested;I 4. .

Courrcil Mi.nute$c*82-r3t.982 07 22I 49. COMMITTEI| AND OTTIER REPOR,TS ( CONTCI . .)The Depu{-y Clerk recorded Che vote aE fo}lowsl, Regional Counclllor Mclean , yeaCouncil.lor Burr:ows - yeaCounci.llor Lyons - yeaCouncillor O'Grady - yeaCounci.l_lor Shepherd- yeaCounclllor Smockum- yeaCouncillor Winch - yea. Mayor Dales - yeaiarrled Urranirnously. . . . . . . , .c) EEloRr-oWProperty SEandards Procedur:esAttached is ReporE No. DC-82-O7.This was referred to a fublic Affairs lhi.ef Adninistrafive Offtcer: to inquire as.topossibiliry of prose_c.ur ing in -irarviaJ;-1:;foh.;- erectedan lIIegaJ slgn in t_he por[ Bolster area, and ha$ ignoredthe TowrrEl'ripts reque$f to r:emove it.AN]MAL CONTROL MONTHLY REPORT FOR THE MONTH OFMAY , 1982 .This was received for infornation.e) REPORT OF THE CHIEF AIJMINISTRATIVE;E , ';.lil';;,.1",o I,1'li ji'aul$5opaAttachedis Report No. CAO*82-11"rce, r 7o,Moved by CouncillorOrGra

1 3I 7Counci I Minute<strong>sc</strong>*<strong>82</strong>*13. COI4MUNICATION.{i (Contd. .. .)-r3* L9<strong>82</strong> 07 22 .Moved by Counctllor:LyonsSecorrded by Courrcr'.l1or Smockum.1, The Council of the Township of Georginn endorsesResblutton EX-<strong>82</strong>-169 of tlrc Executive Commitl-eeof the Sout*h l,ake Simcoe Conservacion AuthoriEvdated July l3tlro 19<strong>82</strong>, reg,ar:ding the SuLton Dam.2. The Township of Ceorgina agrces ro be designatedas the benefitting Munlcipality and to pay theAuthoricy's share of the cosfs, esti-matecl to be$l.Or5OO.OO. for f,he r:ernoval of the SuEtonDam and bank st-abillaafion work;3. That sufflcient funds be ttansferted from the streetlight capi[al acceunt to pay the Townslriprs share ofthe costs,Carr:iedh)l{.M. Ploeger, Ministry of Treasury & Economicsresponclingi co Counci<strong>lt</strong>s concern reg,ar:ding ttreimplementatiorr of sa],es fax on formerly excmpEifems, advises that The Honourable !'rank,Treasurer of Ontarlo is aware of Ehe add<strong>lt</strong>ionalfinancial pressure on was received for lnfornation.8. PETITIONS:a) Councll.lorregardingThisl,yons prcsenEecl a petitionthe Sutton Dam.was received .Eo Counci.l9. GOMMITTEE AND OTHER REPORTS :b) REPORT OF THE CHIEF ADMINISTRATIVE OF}'ICER:LoEs 1.4 and 15, Clareclorr Beach.Attachedis Report l{o. CAO-<strong>82</strong>-1Q.Moved by CouncillorWinchSeconded by Councl).lorO'Grady.THAT Council authorlze Lhe purchase of Lots 1/+ ancl 15,Plan 3O5, from Lynx Devel.opment$ l-inrited at a purchaseprlcc of $ll.O'OOO.OO and thas thc Mayor and Cler:lc beauthor.'tzcd to execute thc necessary documente t-o effectthe sa id purchAse.A recorsled voEe was requested;I 4. .

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