sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ... sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...


I ICouncil I4i.rrut:esc-82-13_rt_ ts82 07 ?2Item9(a) (Conrd18. Moved by Cor-rncillor SirepherdSeconclcd by Councill.or:Smockum.THAT the Mayor ancl Clerk be author-izecl to cxecutean amendi rrg,. Agr:cement respecf Parf of Lot 3 ,Concession I (G), more particul.arl_y describcd ;rsParr.s l, 2, 3 and 4, Reference.ptah 6SR*?497.betweerr Shirmim Coovadia and thc Corporation of theTownslrip_of Geor:gina .and cause the Corporate Seal. to be affixed Ehereto.Carrl.ed.19. lloved by Councillor irlirrchSeconded by CouncillorBurrows.'TI{AT the Library-Cultural. Centre Board be herebtrequestled that i:efor:e any teflder$ are accepte.J torthe proposed Li.trrary*Cultural Centrco that thetotal cost as tendered fcr an operat-.iona1 LibrnrvCultural Centre be revlewed by Council, in or:cler-thaEsuch tenrlers wl1.I produce Ehe construcii(-)n of ttrebuilding contemplated lry Cor-rncil.A recordedVot-e was requested.The Deputy Clerhrecordedfhe vote as follows:Councitlor Bur.rowb . - YeaCouncillor Lvons YeaCounclllor OlGrady - YeaCouncillor: Shephekl - YeaCourrcillor Smockum * YeaCounci.llor WinchMayor Dales- Yea* YeaRegiorral Councill,or Mclearr - NavYea - 7Nay - ICarried.AU thlsAgenda.tlme the order of busirress was resumed on the7 . COMI'IUNICATIONS :,.,Qa )N.T. Goldsmith, Area Traffic Analysc.llinisEry of Transportation and Commr.rlications ,advising thaL. they.will be pI.rci_ng a bar:rierat the inrer:siectlon of llighway 48 and.BaldwlnI{oad to restri.ct fu. tire area..This rvas fecelvr:d for lnfonration.I?

ICouncil Minutesc-82-r4-11- 1"982 08 .26.REPORT OF TllE TOi'INSHIP ENGINHERT(Contd. . . )Moved by Regional Councillor McleanSeconded by CouncillorLyonsTIIAT a Township policy be adopted that no Applicationfor Shoreline Assistance be appr:oved if the wor:kinvolved has already been starEed, and that this beincluded on the aDDlication formsCarried9. CICI.MMlfIEN AND OTI{ER, REPORTS :a) Recommerrdations of the Commlttee of the lnlholrer!{eeting of Aug,r"tst 19th, 1982.Moved by Regional Counclllor Mclean lSeconded by Councll.IorWinch.1. (1) THAT the existing constructed road wi.dth j.n theNoble Subclivi.sion irr Phase I and Phase lI, beaccepEed and that the road platform for furtherphases be 2O feet paved and .4 feet shoulder:s,(3) TIIAT Itern rrCrr of the February 28th, L9BQ resol.utionof Council adoptirg the recommendations of the. f'ebruary, 1980, Comnittee of the Whole Meetingbe amended by deleting recommendation #2, andsubstituting the fol.lowing therefor:fi 2- (i) That the Township Engineer r'-s l-nstructedto pre?are amending Stibdivision Ag.reementsbetween South Shore Simcoe DeveloomenfsLimited and Belhaven l)evelopmenrs Limifedarrcl that f-he Develooers' cont.ributi.onsshall be $2,5OO.OO irer lot.( ii ) ft*i.:l :l:.s;:l' ":^ffi, ::l:fiI'1,?;I"I :"il:l!f,Shore Simcoe Developmerrts Limi.ted, thenBelhaven Development Ltmi-ted shal.I r:av anamount- of $58,Obo.OO for 23 lofs and irponrecelnt of monies from Soul-h Shore SimcoeDevelooments Limited. $50O wi,ll be refundedto Beliraven Developmenrs t,imited.(tl-i) The Developers may suppl-y an i-rrevoc.ahl,eI"etter of Credif to be drawn upon by theTownship on September 1st, 1983, i.n-lietr ofprovidi-ng, the sub.ject payflents upon€xecution of the subdtvision Ag,reements".2. THAT the Chief Admi.nistra[ive Officer reauest fheowners of l{osslngton Parhto meet with fhe residentsin the aTea as well as members of Councll at aDevelopnrent Fol.icy CornmitEee rrreeting to be hel.drplthi.n fhe next ten days l-o tesolvc fnte concernsexpressed by l;he citlzens livtng in the area.13. . . .

I ICouncil I4i.rrut:e<strong>sc</strong>-<strong>82</strong>-13_rt_ ts<strong>82</strong> 07 ?2Item9(a) (Conrd<strong>18</strong>. Moved by Cor-rncillor SirepherdSeconclcd by Councill.or:Smockum.THAT the Mayor ancl Clerk be author-izecl to cxecutean amendi rrg,. Agr:cement respecf Parf of Lot 3 ,Concession I (G), more particul.arl_y de<strong>sc</strong>ribcd ;rsParr.s l, 2, 3 and 4, Reference.ptah 6SR*?497.betweerr Shirmim Coovadia and thc Corporation of theTownslrip_of Geor:gina .and cause the Corporate Seal. to be affixed Ehereto.Carrl.ed.19. lloved by Councillor irlirrchSeconded by CouncillorBurrows.'TI{AT the Library-Cu<strong>lt</strong>ural. Centre Board be herebtrequestled that i:efor:e any teflder$ are accepte.J torthe proposed Li.trrary*Cu<strong>lt</strong>ural Centrco that thetotal cost as tendered fcr an operat-.iona1 LibrnrvCu<strong>lt</strong>ural Centre be revlewed by Council, in or:cler-thaEsuch tenrlers wl1.I produce Ehe construcii(-)n of ttrebuilding contemplated lry Cor-rncil.A recordedVot-e was requested.The Deputy Clerhrecordedfhe vote as follows:Councitlor Bur.rowb . - YeaCouncillor Lvons YeaCounclllor OlGrady - YeaCouncillor: Shephekl - YeaCourrcillor Smockum * YeaCounci.llor WinchMayor Dales- Yea* YeaRegiorral Councill,or Mclearr - NavYea - 7Nay - ICarried.AU thlsAgenda.tlme the order of busirress was resumed on the7 . COMI'IUNICATIONS :,.,Qa )N.T. Goldsmith, Area Traffic Analy<strong>sc</strong>.llinisEry of Transportation and Commr.rlications ,advising thaL. they.will be pI.rci_ng a bar:rierat the inrer:siectlon of llighway 48 and.BaldwlnI{oad to restri.ct fu. tire area..This rvas fecelvr:d for lnfonration.I?

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