sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

sc-82-18 1c82 lt 1? - Georgina Electronic-records Management ...

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,"c-<strong>82</strong>*<strong>18</strong>Council MlnuEes*4-19<strong>82</strong> 10 28.45.coMMITTEE AND orHEL_BIIo'RrSi_a) Committee of the I'lhole RecommendaEions of',' October 21st , 19<strong>82</strong>.Moved by Reglonat Councillor MbleanSeconded by CounglllorWinch.1. THAT the Rezoning application submitted by Glno.and PaEricia CostanEtello, being anapplicationto permit the establi.shmenE of a naiihressins. shop within the frame barn locared- on-i;;;-""de<strong>sc</strong>ribed as Part of LoE 14, Concession 3 (NG)BE APPROVED .2.THAT the, rezoning app<strong>lt</strong>cation submittecl by Georg,eDracos, being an appllcation to rezone landde<strong>sc</strong>ribed as Par:t of Lot 16, Concessi.on 6 (G).to permit,the constructlon of a 650 square meirewholesale/retail store and change the zoning onthe Southerly 33.5metres ro rulal (RU) be '-Approved.I3.Councillor' Smockum declared a possible Conf<strong>lt</strong>ctof Interest in the above matt-ei and dixl not takepart in any di<strong>sc</strong>ussion and did noE vote.THAT.the.94th. Royal Canadian Alr Cadet Sqr.raclron bepermittecl Eo hold Air Cadet Tag Days in iheTownship of Geor:gina on ApriI Zfst, ZZnA arrcl ?3rd,1983, and rhe Yoik Regionll po<strong>lt</strong>ce'be so aclvisecl.'4.THAT the Royal Canadian Legion be granted permissionto ho.[d a Remembrance Day Service and Church paraclecommencing at 1?.3O p.m. from the Leg,ion Hallpr:oceeding wes'l- on East Street Eo Eh; Cenotaph forthe Remembrance Day Service at, I p.m. the paiaAe-wittthen resume sotrth on High Street to Burke btreeteast on Burke Street to NorLh Street, norEh onBurke Street a.nd back to the Legion Hall.THAT the YorkRegional pollce be so advised;Carrled.Moved by CounclilorShepherdSecorrded by CounclllorSmockum.THAT the L*CCe" received from Pefferlaw Association ofRatepayers regarding the l4osquiE,o Abatement program ln1983, be referrecl to the Treas.urer, Mr. Arms[r.ongfor further commenrs ac Ehe Budget Committee *eeiiingtln 1983.A recorded vote was requested,i{ff'5. . . .t;il

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